Friday, October 20, 2006



by kayes, a Past Master twice over of an Emulation Lodge

(this article was first published in The Chisel, Jan/Feb issue 1986)

Taking the Chair may be an achievement but it also brings with it an unbroken chain of worries for the ensuing year, beginning at least a month from Installation Day. Suddenly it dawns on Master Elect that it is no easy task being Master and one starts to wonder how some Masters seemed to have done everything with such ease and confidence. Did they have photographic memories or perhaps they have little tape recorders behind their ears?

They say if you start well, all will end well. The Installation Meeting should be relatively simple. Nothing much to do except to invest officers and to close the Lodge but will I be hit with an unexpected bout of stage fright? How many risings? Three or four? And when do I ask District Grand Master whether he wishes to retire? How do I invest the Deacons? Right or left side of pedestal? Remember to speak loud enough with clear diction. Don't smoke too much as it will turn you hoarse and definitely not too much scotch as it causes surprise lapses in memory.

First Regular Meeting and why has it got to be a Third Degree? Impossible to peep at any cue cards. Being not of athletic build I hope I will not fall over in attempting to raise a candidate who is a mere 250 lbs! Have to rely greatly on Director of Ceremonies. Just can't get the Exhortation and Charge right. Which one comes first? Exhortation or Charge? Traditional History even worse. Hope I don't throw in a paragraph of the Tracing Board into the Traditional History. Do not hit candidate with Heavy Mall - only simulate it!

Second Regular Meeting and it is a First Degree. Why can't they have it in a sequence? It will sure make things more logical. Must do well, as it is important for candidate to follow the entire ceremony and understand at least half of what is being said. Why can't all three degrees be done without the lights on? No one can see a red face in the dark! Charge after Initiation must be flawless and what? Did you say District Grand Master is coming? Will the lights and airconditioning fail? They say DGM is on Emulation and no slip up gets by unnoticed and Assistant District Grand Master may come also? He too is on Emulation? Perhaps I will have to fall sick or arrange a business trip to Siberia.

Third Regular Meeting and it is another Initiation. Should be easier this time. A month is not long enough to forget but it seems it will be a Raising again next month. At the rate things are going, I may be the only Master who has not done a Passing! Junior Deacon suddenly called away on urgent business and Inner Guard is ill. Who are the possible replacements? Can D of C and Assistant D of C take over? Did his proposer ask the candidate to come at all?

Committee Meeting and Treasurer reports that funds are critically low and threatens to resign because brethren are not responding to his pleas. Director of Ceremonies says attendance at Lodge of Instruction poor. Caterer says he will not serve any more food as the constantly varying dinner times are driving his microwave ovens crazy. Someone says he has not been receiving Summonses for three months and Secretary asks for his postcode. Discussion on Charity and that word reveals a myriad of interpretations.

Visitation Night. Hope all brethren particularly officers are punctual. Are there sufficient people to help at the bar? Do not wish to see visitors outnumbering us. Wonder whether seating arrangements at Festive Board are properly done. New caterer - hope he serves at least warm food and hot coffee. Tell the Scots we do not have haggis. Irish coffee yes.

Installation Meeting and glad to know one is vacating the Chair but no sooner starts to miss it. District Grand Master is definitely attending. Make sure generators are in working order and candles ready. Must remember Inner Working. Do not close Board of Installed Masters prematurely. Propose the toast to the new Worshipful Master and everything's over. Now to start worrying about the job of being the Immediate Past Master.

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