Monday, August 28, 2006

Conspiracy Theories: What Is The Bilderberg Group?

It is secretive and consists of the world’s most financially and politically powerful people. It is the Bilderberg Group. Just what are they up to?

The members meet at least once a year at the most expensive hotels, and their meetings are behind closed doors, unlike the annual G8 Summits, which are little more than photo opportunities for the political leaders of the world’s top eight industrialized nations.

Its members include U.S. President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, retired banker David Rockefeller and others.

The Bilderberg Group can trace its roots to Joseph Retinger, a Polish-born, British-based political advisor, who, among many others of his mindset, believed that world affairs should be controlled by one world government, one world currency and one world leader.

After discussing his ideas with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1952, world leaders met at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, in the Netherlands, in 1954. The group has kept the name “Bilderberg” and has met at least once a year, in expensive hotels around the world.

The meetings usually consist of about 120 people from the world’s elite, mostly from North America and Europe, with few of the “Bilderbergers” being elected heads of state, the bulk of them being business figures, media barons (even though reporters can’t get near the meetings) and intellectuals.

One may scoff at the idea of any sinister conspiracy theory behind the Bilderbergers, thinking ‘the rich and powerful are holding snobby annual cocktail parties, so what?’

But--consider what has happened at recent Bilderberg meetings, the most recent held in Ottawa in June 2006.

Bilderbergers including Kissinger, Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Richard Perle (a senior foreign policy advisor to President George Bush), as well as Canadians Frank McKenna (former New Brunswick Premier) and Gordon Nixon (President and CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada), were reportedly present at the Group’s Brookstreet Hotel meeting place in the Ottawa suburb of Kanata.

Why were the guests driven to the hotel in black limos and SUVs with the windows on the vehicles completely tinted black?

Why did the local police have to show ID to an intimidating group of men working for a private security firm which surrounded the hotel, men dressed in black suits and wearing dark shades?

CTV News anchor Lloyd Robertson asked on air if the rumours that Prime Minister Stephen Harper was present were true.

The reporter at the scene (or as close to the scene as he could get) merely confirmed that Harper was indeed invited, but could only say “Lloyd, if Harper was here, not even we knew about it.”

When the Bilderberg Group met in France in 2003, French police were miffed their authority was overrided by that of the security guards protecting the group.

Very secretive for a group holding “cocktail parties.”

Conspiracy theorists claim that the Bilderbergers’ power is so great that they have succeeded in keeping cures for cancer under wraps, to keep their friends in the pharmaceutical industry happy—and rich.

It is also claimed that they have wielded their influence to make sure technology that could allow vehicles to travel 75 kilometres on a litre of gasoline under wraps as well—which makes their friends in the oil industry happy and rich.

American journalist James Tucker claims the Bilderberg Group, after meeting in Germany in 2005, decided to jack up the price of oil. Tucker points out that the price of a barrel of oil started to climb from 40 dollars a barrel to 70 dollars a barrel.

It is believed that the Bilderbergs install and replace world leaders at will.

Conspiracy theorists say they hand-pick politicians who are friendly to big business and are responsible for their successful election campaigns, referring to former U.S. President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair as examples.

Clinton spoke at a Bilderberg meeting in 1991. Could it be that the Bilderbergs, feeling that an aging George Bush was due for replacement by a younger, more charismatic leader, engineered Clinton’s Presidential campaign victory just one year later?

After all, who except the most keen political observers had ever heard of Bill Clinton before 1992? He was a saxophone-playing Governor of a very backward Southern state (Arkansas), who had been booed offstage by his own party members after making a rambling speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention.

In 1955, the Bilderberg Group called for a unified Europe. The Bilderberg Group was not the first to envision such an entity (Winston Churchill called for a “United States of Europe” to keep the Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc in check during the early Cold War years). But not long after the Bilderberg call for European unification (a year and a half, in fact) the European Common Market was born. That Common Market has grown into the ever-more-powerful, ever-expanding European Union which we know today. Some European Union leaders have, in fact, called for the EU membership to expand to well over 100 countries, and to eventually divide the entire world into 10 Free Trade zones (our NAFTA zone being one of them), with a European-based One World Government calling the shots.

The Bilderbergers, The Illuminati and those advocating a “New World Order” (like former U.S. President George Bush, father of current President George W. Bush) are all free traders. Start dismantling economic barriers, which has happened in the EU and NAFTA nations, and you therefore start destroying national identities—and sovereignty.
Free trade, it can be argued, is a bloodless way of conquering the globe and paving the way for a New World Order, or One World Government, something which Joseph Retinger dreamed of.

Just another conspiracy theory?

One thing is certain.

When the world’s most powerful people meet amid such tight security and utter secrecy, when their meetings are not allowed to be covered by the media, and when their bodyguards’ authority overrides that of the police of the countries that host their meetings—something odd, perhaps something very sinister--is going on.

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