Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Malaysian Freemasonry Background

The Malaysian Freemasonry Background

It all started in the year 1874, the bloody year where the Sultan of Perak was forced to accept a British Resident by the name of J.W.W. Birch, which later was killed in Pasir Salak. The Pangkor Treaty is not only the beginning of the British imperialism in
Malaya but, with little knew, the beginning of the Freemasonry toxification in Malaysia.

By the year 1900, all the states in
Malaya have a Resident or at least killed one. The function is actually to reduce the power of our Sultan and introduce secularism in our own country. And you really thought secularism is something that we choose right? More than that, the Resident General will later be known as Ketua Setiausaha Kerajaan, which exist until now, and that means we never really get rid of the British Resident System and the Residents is now called Ketua Setiausaha Negeri. Did Malaysia really got their independence in 1957 or is still working on it?

In my opinion, we did get our independence in 1957. But that is from the British Imperialist, not the Freemasons. And we really think that is good news. A brief explanation might break the ice. Freemason is a very-very old movement founded by the Jews to regain their so called Jews land and to rebuild Haikal Sulaiman(
Temple of Solomon) which is now where Masjidil Aqsa in built on. They are the ones who were responsible for the destruction of the Uthmaniyyah era in Turkey by helping Mustafa Kamal at-Tartuk(a Muslim Freemason) unleash his dictatorism.

The British Government grants us freedom only when the Freemasonic ideology and system is planted deep inside our minds. Secularism and democratic government is all actually comes from the Freemasons. In fact, we followed everything listed by Lord Reid in his report, which is actually a British guideline in order to keep a Freemasonic government in
Malaysia for a long time.

I remembered the one story that I thought was just made up a while ago. The story is about a Jews settlement in my hometown,
Penang. After a while, I did realize there is a road by the name of Yahudi Street and there is a Jewish Cemetery in Penang. Unbelievable? Believe it. In the 1970s', our former Prime Minister Tun Abd. Razak once made a statement, about 150 years ago, Freemason did exist in Penang and the members include high ranking government officers. And through my own research, I learn that the birth house of Tan Sri P. Ramlee is made out of trees in Yahudi Street. And most of government officer's house is made out of these trees in Yahudi Street too. Coincidence? I guess not.

When Francis Light came to
Penang saying that he is a representative from the British Government when he is actually not, he brought a lot of Jewish merchant with him into Penang. He did cheat the Sultan of Kedah. He is actually from East India Company(always been mistaken as a British owned) which is owned by the Freemasons. Until 1978, there are still lots of Jews in Penang but they moved away later in large groups when their secret movement was nearly known by others. I know you all can claim this is a fake story because histories like this should be in the History Textbook. But face it, this is the truth. And I am forbidden from writing the reason this story is cutoff from the History Textbook.

Different with our neighbor,
Singapore, their first Prime Minister, David Marshall, came from a Jewish family. And this is the entire thing I'm allowed to write here.


karraz said...

good exposure..
hope to see more of this.
Freemason are real threat to our country.People should know better,
can somebody perform a research for PKR members (malaysia).I think they have a bad agenda

*** said...

agrees! whoever it is... all with the politic craps agenda... keep writing brother!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that. I thought it's only in western countries.

Unknown said...

What do you mean "allowed"?? Are there other things you aren't "allowed" to write? and it's 'dictatorship' not 'dicktatorism'. dic.

greetings to all brethren.


Dilip Mutum said...

I think you need to get some facts straight. Mustafa Kamal at-Tartuk did not destroy the Ottoman empire.
It was already in decline and had been defeated by the Allies and Arabs. Kamal at-Tartuk led the Turkish War of Independence and is the father of modern Turkey even though he was a bit of a dictator.

melezyan said...

I think you have to make a research about the Ottoman Empire. As a Turkish citizen, i can say that Ottoman was so weak and couldnt resist the Arab Spring then. I will recommend you to read about a very famous English spy whose name is Lawrence.
After the seperation of Arab states, Ottoman borders shrink to size of Anatolia which is known as Turkey now.
French,English,Italians try to conquer the land by using Australian and Greek army. Atatürk lead the poor people to war and suceeded.
Then he build a modern country but...we couldnt keep his ideal.
No thanks to Arabs anyway.
Atatürk shut down all the masonic lodges at once.He was killed by his doctor who was a mason. As he died lodges start operation again.

melezyan said...

If your country is stable with the 56 years old government, this is because of their obedience to the Illuminati leaders.
Masons are the tip of the iceberg. The 33th degree masons accepted to Illuminati admin.
I fyou really want to know the influence of masonry and other cults, please make a research about the obelisks in Malaysia.
Tip: Kelantan Obelisk(Tuhan Matahari)