What is Race?
According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the word ‘race’ means one of the main groups that humans can be divided into according to their physical differences, for example the colour of their skin. Race also means a group of people who share the same language, history, culture and etcetera. Based on Wikipedia, race or racial group usually refers to the concept of dividing humans into populations or groups based on certain characteristics. In other words, race or racial group is a term used to segregate humans based on their physical characteristics like skin colour, facial features and hair texture, their common descent or heredity and the language they use daily.
There are four main races that exist in the face of this earth. They are Caucasians, Mongolians, Negroes and Australoids. Caucasians or also known as white people are subdivided into three subdivisions. The subdivisions are Nordic race, the Alpine race and the Iberian race. Mongolians are usually identified by their yellow skin, straight black hair and their sturdy body. Negroes are also known as Africans or black people. They are easily identified by their dark skin and curly hair texture. Australoids are mainly Australian aborigines and native people of Papua New Guinea. Australoids have the same skin and hair characteristics as Negroes but they have a smaller body.
Racial Prejudice in Television Commercial
Prejudice according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary means an unreasonable dislike of or preferences for a person, group, custom and etcetera especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex and etcetera. When a person or a group starts to develop positive or negative preferences towards another person or group just on the basis of their race, it is called racial prejudice. Racial prejudice will lead to stereotyping. According to the same dictionary, stereotype is a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality. In other words, racial stereotyping is having the idea that everyone from a certain race has the same characteristics.
In Malaysia, racial prejudice is quite strong among the multiple races available. Malaysians tend to have negative prejudices towards people from a different race than theirs. This becomes worse when the media always portray different races with specific characteristics or behaviour. For example, in television shows, commercials and movies most ‘Ah Long’ or loan sharks are Chinese, drunkards are usually Indians and ‘Mat Rempit’ or street racers are Malays.
In 1986, former Japanese Prime Minister, Yasuhiro Nakasone mentioned that the average American intellectual standard is lower than the average Japanese intellectual standard because of the black and Hispanic people in America. He also said Japanese’s ‘racial homogeneity’ is their strength. In 1997, Professor Lino Graglia from University of Texas Law School mentioned that “Black and Mexican-Americans are not competitive with the whites in certain institution because their culture does not encourage achievement and in their culture failure is not a big issue. These two statements are the most common racial prejudice we can see in the world today. People always see black and Hispanic people as people with average achievement because they are stereotyped as being intellectually challenged. While Japanese people in the other hand are always portrayed as being the smartest people in the world. And people also see all Japanese as a nerd or weird because they are being stereotyped like that.
In television commercials we can often see black and Hispanic people portrayed in a negative way too. They always show black people being a couch potato who eats a lot of chicken or burgers and they always show Hispanic women on the beach or walking through town slacking around. Black and Hispanic people are also always linked to the street gangs and drug dealing. It has become something like a common knowledge to think like that.
The same goes in Malaysia. Everyone has their own stereotype towards people from different racial groups. Malays have their own stereotyping towards Indians and Chinese. Commonly Malays and Chinese would try to avoid Indians because they are stereotyped as cruel and cannot be trusted. Malays and Indians stereotype Chinese as being greedy. Indians and Chinese on the other hand stereotype Malays as lazy and always depending on the special Bumiputra privilege. This can be widely seen in local television commercials. The stereotyping of the main races in Malaysia is so common until the races being stereotyped can accept the stereotyping.
In Malaysia we try to avoid racial dispute by adapting to these stereotyping but seriously this has to stop because it is like a cancer that will kill us sooner or later. Television commercials try to use these stereotyping as humour to entertain the viewers. But, all these acts are just one of the various ways to promote racial prejudice. We might laugh at the racial jokes inside a television commercial but unconsciously we will cultivate racial prejudice towards other races.
For example, the Perodua’s Chinese New Year 2008 commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQxuAnY23Bs) is openly promoting stereotyping. It clearly labels the ‘Ah Long’ or loan sharks as Chinese. When the issue of ‘Ah Long’ or loan sharks became popular a few years back, people has always been seeing these loan sharks as being Chinese people. We even gave them a Chinese name. This is because the biggest cases are involving Chinese loan sharks. The media started to label them as ‘Ah Long’ as a media sensation but it also automatically labels loan sharks as Chinese.
In the TV3’s Hari Raya 2007 commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq5Y6cwmPzo), it shows how a person can be very prejudice of another person from a different race. It shows how a Malay lady assumes the Chinese man sitting next to her is eating the food she just bought. But the truth is that Chinese man happens to buy the same food and he is eating his own. This shows how a person can become prejudice just because the other person comes from a different race. It might be hilarious but think again. Should we prejudge a person just by his or her race? This is one of the racial prejudices that exist in our community subconsciously.
Television commercial producers might claim all these racial prejudice is just for entertainment but the reality is it promotes social conflict. Children who have no idea about what is social prejudice might see one of these commercials and subconsciously start to cultivate social prejudice. Media controls what people think and talk about. But do we really want to pollute our minds with racial prejudices?
Paranoid Planet
:: This in an ANTI-MASON blog ::

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Monday, December 03, 2007
Modern Imperialism
Modern Imperialism
The U.S. control of Central America has meant the exclusion from these markets of Japanese goods. As well as supplying cheap labour to the U.S. bosses the Central American countries rely on the U.S. for almost all of their exports and imports. In the U.S. itself the Japanese are allowed access to no more than 33% of the car market.
A consensus has been created throughout U.S. society which identifies the Japanese as the cause behind the U.S. recession. This has included some of America's unions and liberal Democrats like Jessie Jackson. One consequence has been a rising number of physical attacks on Asians in general.
The economic war between the U.S. and Japan has already warmed up. For American bosses it means bigger profits as they convince American workers that it is the Japanese rather then capitalism that are responsible for unemployment. Alliances between bosses and workers against another country mean little or no effective class struggle at home. This in turn means low wage rises and crap working conditions. The U.S. is one of the few countries where workers saw a real reduction in wages in the 1980's.
It is this sort of prejudice that European bosses hope to build on through the E.C. Most European countries have already seen it on a national level. In Ireland a milder version is currently being pushed through the Buy Irish ad's. Our interests as workers lie with the workers of other countries, not our gombeen green bosses.
The effects of imperialism on different countries varies, for many of the underdeveloped countries it means that their exports are permanently underpriced and their imports overpriced as they have no control over access to international markets. It means an enormous burden of dept to the imperialist countries in return for outdated or inappropriate technology and military equipment.
It means a government whose sole role is to ensure the country stays profitable for the imperialists with low wages, tame or non-existant unions and few safety laws. It commonly means famine and death as proxy wars are fought between imperialist powers there.
Imperialism's casualties in the last decade have included 100,000 Iraqi's, more as a show of force then anything else, 3 million Ethiopians in a country which exported food throughout the famine, 50,000 Nicaraguans in an effort to topple a government less disposed to American interests. Were it not for the death and destruction it would be funny that the West poses as part of the solution. The imperialist powers are not part of the solution, they are the problem.
The sheer level of destruction guarantees some resistance to imperialism wherever it is found. Commonly this takes place through the mechanism of National Liberation Movements like the Provos or Sandanistas. Such movements attempt to unite sections of the bosses with the workers in order to throw out imperialism and restructure the economy. This is in the interests of the native ruling class rather then of the imperialist ruling class.
Sometimes such movements take up socialist sounding ideas in order to gain support from the workers. Sometimes as in Cuba or Vietnam this occurred because they allied themselves with a different imperialist power (U.S.S.R) against the imperialist power that they were fighting (U.S.). The interests of the workers are not central to such movements, whether or not the workers gain is incidental. In practice gains are commonly made by workers in terms of education and health care as the new system attempts to build and maintain an industrial base. This also helps to create loyalty to the new regime.
Apart from providing markets and sources of cheap raw materials, imperialism has another plus for the bosses. It is used in the imperialist countries to get workers to side with their bosses against the people of other countries. Workers identify with the soldiers of 'their' imperialist armies who share their language and traditions rather then with the workers of the oppressed nation. Anarchists in these countries have to be able to break this cross-class unity in order to challenge the bosses.
The nature of the national liberation movements has led some anarchists in the past to make the mistake of arguing that such struggles are not relevant. This is commonly based around the slogan No War but the Class War. During the Gulf War, for instance, British groups like the Class War Federation argued that the outcome of the war was irrelevant and that it was wrong to call for an Iraqi victory as - among other reasons - this meant British soldiers would die.
The logic of seeing the problems in those terms would be to support an imperialist victory once the war was in progress. Those groups who worried about the number of British Squaddies who would die had their wish fulfilled, only a very few were killed. In Iraq this meant enormous casualties due to indiscriminate bombings and the deliberate destruction of basic infrastructure.
The position taken by the rest of the left was at least as absurd. Nearly all the revolutionary left called for Victory to Iraq. In calling for victory to Iraq the implication was that it was an Iraqi victory and not an American defeat which was important. Yet Saddam, even if he had beaten the Americans, would have just as quickly rejoined their camp or that of one of the other imperialist powers. The Iraqi ruling class might have wished for a free hand in the region but their interests clearly lay in stable relations with one or the other imperialist powers.
The only force in the region capable of dealing a lasting blow to imperialism are the workers and peasants who live there. Rather then supporting the Iraqi ruling class (however 'critically') or worrying about British squaddies it was these forces socialists should have supported. The Trotskyist presentation of Saddam as the objective anti-imperialist was rubbished by the unfolding of events. The war ended when the Iraqi ruling class and the imperialists both recognized that their common enemy, the working class in Iraq, had moved centre stage.
This happened when uprisings broke out throughout Iraq. Although they had a religious or nationalist base these uprisings saw the formation of workers councils (shoras) in many of the larger cities. Saddam was left his elite divisions and allowed by the U.S to fly helicopters against the uprisings throughout Iraq. The combination of the Iraqi army and the deals stitched up by the nationalist leaders of the uprising meant that the Iraqi ruling class has regained control of the situation. Saddam the objective anti-imperialist performed his age old function of guaranteeing stability and oil for the imperialists.
The lessons of the Gulf war can be applied generally. No bosses government whether a dictatorship as in Iraq or the more liberal regime of the Sandanistas can be really described as anti-imperialist. When faced with a choice between the revolutionary anti-imperialism of the workers or compromise with imperialism they will always choose the latter. Workers in those countries have two enemies, their own ruling class and the imperialist powers. Neither of these are potential allies, even in the short term. The role of a revolutionary organization in those countries is to build towards a situation where the workers and peasants can take control.
The same applies in general to national liberation movements like the ANC or the Provos. The idea that the working class should work for national liberation first and then emerge to assert its own class interests shows no understanding of the nature of such movements. Only an anarchist revolution can hope to end imperialist exploitation of a country.
Does this mean we say there is no difference between the national liberation movements and the imperialists. It does not. Our problem with such movements is that they offer no solution to the problem of imperialism. It is however imperialism that is the problem. Therefore anarchists have to defend the right of such movements to fight against imperialism, particularly anarchists in the imperialist country itself.
Anarchists in Britain, for example, have to take a clear position on Ireland. The British ruling class in the past has been able to defuse opposition internally by uniting all classes against 'common enemies' in Argentina and Belfast. As long as the British working class supports the British government on Ireland or does not see it as an important issue it will find it more difficult to take up independent working class politics elsewhere. British anarchists must be prepared to defend the Provos against the state by pointing out that they are not the real problem. They must be prepared to call for troops out no matter how difficult this might be. Concretely this means arguing to British workers that it is 'their' state and not the Provos that is the cause of the conflict in Ireland.
In Ireland anarchists have to be not only willing to defend the Provos but capable of putting forward a real solution to the conflict. The Provos today have no solution beyond calls for UN involvement and the demand for talks with the British government. We need to be able to build a movement that in the South is able to undermine the basis of the southern clerical state. In the North we have to be able to unite Protestant and Catholic workers with them in the fight for an all-Ireland workers republic. This will be not only in opposition to British imperialism and its loyalist puppets but also to the green nationalist bosses.
On a wider level we are entering a new period of imperialism. The break up of the cold war world will mean a rush by the victors for new spheres of influence. Ireland is bound to be involved on the fringes of this through the E.C. and the U.N. Both these bodies are dominated by the big imperialist powers.
The U.N. is a talking shop for the ruling class of the world. It gives a veto to the victorious imperialist powers of World War II and so it can only act in their interests. The E.C. is designed to act in the interests of the European bosses. It provides them with a super state through which they hope to compete with the rival imperialists of Japan and the U.S..
We need to expose the real nature of the U.N. and build opposition to any Irish involvement in 'peacekeeping'. Our class is international, our allies are the workers of all countries, our enemy is the Buy Irish green bosses.
The U.S. control of Central America has meant the exclusion from these markets of Japanese goods. As well as supplying cheap labour to the U.S. bosses the Central American countries rely on the U.S. for almost all of their exports and imports. In the U.S. itself the Japanese are allowed access to no more than 33% of the car market.
A consensus has been created throughout U.S. society which identifies the Japanese as the cause behind the U.S. recession. This has included some of America's unions and liberal Democrats like Jessie Jackson. One consequence has been a rising number of physical attacks on Asians in general.
The economic war between the U.S. and Japan has already warmed up. For American bosses it means bigger profits as they convince American workers that it is the Japanese rather then capitalism that are responsible for unemployment. Alliances between bosses and workers against another country mean little or no effective class struggle at home. This in turn means low wage rises and crap working conditions. The U.S. is one of the few countries where workers saw a real reduction in wages in the 1980's.
It is this sort of prejudice that European bosses hope to build on through the E.C. Most European countries have already seen it on a national level. In Ireland a milder version is currently being pushed through the Buy Irish ad's. Our interests as workers lie with the workers of other countries, not our gombeen green bosses.
The effects of imperialism on different countries varies, for many of the underdeveloped countries it means that their exports are permanently underpriced and their imports overpriced as they have no control over access to international markets. It means an enormous burden of dept to the imperialist countries in return for outdated or inappropriate technology and military equipment.
It means a government whose sole role is to ensure the country stays profitable for the imperialists with low wages, tame or non-existant unions and few safety laws. It commonly means famine and death as proxy wars are fought between imperialist powers there.
Imperialism's casualties in the last decade have included 100,000 Iraqi's, more as a show of force then anything else, 3 million Ethiopians in a country which exported food throughout the famine, 50,000 Nicaraguans in an effort to topple a government less disposed to American interests. Were it not for the death and destruction it would be funny that the West poses as part of the solution. The imperialist powers are not part of the solution, they are the problem.
The sheer level of destruction guarantees some resistance to imperialism wherever it is found. Commonly this takes place through the mechanism of National Liberation Movements like the Provos or Sandanistas. Such movements attempt to unite sections of the bosses with the workers in order to throw out imperialism and restructure the economy. This is in the interests of the native ruling class rather then of the imperialist ruling class.
Sometimes such movements take up socialist sounding ideas in order to gain support from the workers. Sometimes as in Cuba or Vietnam this occurred because they allied themselves with a different imperialist power (U.S.S.R) against the imperialist power that they were fighting (U.S.). The interests of the workers are not central to such movements, whether or not the workers gain is incidental. In practice gains are commonly made by workers in terms of education and health care as the new system attempts to build and maintain an industrial base. This also helps to create loyalty to the new regime.
Apart from providing markets and sources of cheap raw materials, imperialism has another plus for the bosses. It is used in the imperialist countries to get workers to side with their bosses against the people of other countries. Workers identify with the soldiers of 'their' imperialist armies who share their language and traditions rather then with the workers of the oppressed nation. Anarchists in these countries have to be able to break this cross-class unity in order to challenge the bosses.
The nature of the national liberation movements has led some anarchists in the past to make the mistake of arguing that such struggles are not relevant. This is commonly based around the slogan No War but the Class War. During the Gulf War, for instance, British groups like the Class War Federation argued that the outcome of the war was irrelevant and that it was wrong to call for an Iraqi victory as - among other reasons - this meant British soldiers would die.
The logic of seeing the problems in those terms would be to support an imperialist victory once the war was in progress. Those groups who worried about the number of British Squaddies who would die had their wish fulfilled, only a very few were killed. In Iraq this meant enormous casualties due to indiscriminate bombings and the deliberate destruction of basic infrastructure.
The position taken by the rest of the left was at least as absurd. Nearly all the revolutionary left called for Victory to Iraq. In calling for victory to Iraq the implication was that it was an Iraqi victory and not an American defeat which was important. Yet Saddam, even if he had beaten the Americans, would have just as quickly rejoined their camp or that of one of the other imperialist powers. The Iraqi ruling class might have wished for a free hand in the region but their interests clearly lay in stable relations with one or the other imperialist powers.
The only force in the region capable of dealing a lasting blow to imperialism are the workers and peasants who live there. Rather then supporting the Iraqi ruling class (however 'critically') or worrying about British squaddies it was these forces socialists should have supported. The Trotskyist presentation of Saddam as the objective anti-imperialist was rubbished by the unfolding of events. The war ended when the Iraqi ruling class and the imperialists both recognized that their common enemy, the working class in Iraq, had moved centre stage.
This happened when uprisings broke out throughout Iraq. Although they had a religious or nationalist base these uprisings saw the formation of workers councils (shoras) in many of the larger cities. Saddam was left his elite divisions and allowed by the U.S to fly helicopters against the uprisings throughout Iraq. The combination of the Iraqi army and the deals stitched up by the nationalist leaders of the uprising meant that the Iraqi ruling class has regained control of the situation. Saddam the objective anti-imperialist performed his age old function of guaranteeing stability and oil for the imperialists.
The lessons of the Gulf war can be applied generally. No bosses government whether a dictatorship as in Iraq or the more liberal regime of the Sandanistas can be really described as anti-imperialist. When faced with a choice between the revolutionary anti-imperialism of the workers or compromise with imperialism they will always choose the latter. Workers in those countries have two enemies, their own ruling class and the imperialist powers. Neither of these are potential allies, even in the short term. The role of a revolutionary organization in those countries is to build towards a situation where the workers and peasants can take control.
The same applies in general to national liberation movements like the ANC or the Provos. The idea that the working class should work for national liberation first and then emerge to assert its own class interests shows no understanding of the nature of such movements. Only an anarchist revolution can hope to end imperialist exploitation of a country.
Does this mean we say there is no difference between the national liberation movements and the imperialists. It does not. Our problem with such movements is that they offer no solution to the problem of imperialism. It is however imperialism that is the problem. Therefore anarchists have to defend the right of such movements to fight against imperialism, particularly anarchists in the imperialist country itself.
Anarchists in Britain, for example, have to take a clear position on Ireland. The British ruling class in the past has been able to defuse opposition internally by uniting all classes against 'common enemies' in Argentina and Belfast. As long as the British working class supports the British government on Ireland or does not see it as an important issue it will find it more difficult to take up independent working class politics elsewhere. British anarchists must be prepared to defend the Provos against the state by pointing out that they are not the real problem. They must be prepared to call for troops out no matter how difficult this might be. Concretely this means arguing to British workers that it is 'their' state and not the Provos that is the cause of the conflict in Ireland.
In Ireland anarchists have to be not only willing to defend the Provos but capable of putting forward a real solution to the conflict. The Provos today have no solution beyond calls for UN involvement and the demand for talks with the British government. We need to be able to build a movement that in the South is able to undermine the basis of the southern clerical state. In the North we have to be able to unite Protestant and Catholic workers with them in the fight for an all-Ireland workers republic. This will be not only in opposition to British imperialism and its loyalist puppets but also to the green nationalist bosses.
On a wider level we are entering a new period of imperialism. The break up of the cold war world will mean a rush by the victors for new spheres of influence. Ireland is bound to be involved on the fringes of this through the E.C. and the U.N. Both these bodies are dominated by the big imperialist powers.
The U.N. is a talking shop for the ruling class of the world. It gives a veto to the victorious imperialist powers of World War II and so it can only act in their interests. The E.C. is designed to act in the interests of the European bosses. It provides them with a super state through which they hope to compete with the rival imperialists of Japan and the U.S..
We need to expose the real nature of the U.N. and build opposition to any Irish involvement in 'peacekeeping'. Our class is international, our allies are the workers of all countries, our enemy is the Buy Irish green bosses.
Corporate Globalization and Middle East Terrorism
Corporate Globalization and Middle East Terrorism
By now the whole world knows that America is none of the things that she purports to be; that is, everyone except the Americans. It is said that America has fifty states but in fact she has fifty-one, Israel being the fifty-first. Perhaps Great Britain could be counted as the fifty-second.
It is ironic that the people who think they are the freest are the most controlled people on earth. It is equally odd that those who think they are part of the greatest democracy the world has ever known do not participate in a democracy at all; nor do they recognize one when they see it. These facts attest to how thoroughly the American people have been propagandized by the corporate media.
A controlled people have no will of their own. They believe what they are told, and they do what their government tells them to do. They have little intellectual curiosity about the world and rarely, if ever, question authority, much less challenge it. They have little or no knowledge of their nation’s history, and are a frightened and timid people that have no conception of reality. None are more effectively enslaved than those who think they are free. Americans are slaves to a corrupt system that preys upon them and tells them how well they are treated.
As America’s fifty-first state—Zionist Israel influences American foreign policy nearly as much as the corporations that run the government. On Capital Hill the Zionist lobby rivals the power of even the wealthiest corporations. The Pentagon, in particular, is heavily influenced by Zionists, and chief among them are Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Michael Rubin. The combination of Zionism and corporate Plutocracy is a particularly deadly and violent one; a perfect storm that has gathered over the Middle East and rained corpses upon the land in a cyclone of savage violence without end.
The evidence visibly demonstrates that both the American and Israeli governments are savage terrorist states. I make a clear distinction between the people and their respective governments; although the people must bear some of the responsibility for what their governments do. Recent reports from Amnesty International make clear that both nations deliberately target civilians and civilian infrastructure—including roads and bridges, water sanitation facilities, electrical generating stations, ambulances transporting the wounded to hospitals, rescue workers recovering the dead, and even women and children seeking refuge in bomb shelters. Other humanitarian NGOs have uncovered similar findings.
Not only are such events an abomination, they are acts of extreme cowardice; the work of madmen intoxicated by transitory power in pursuit of private wealth.
The Israeli and American governments have little regard for life, or human freedoms. Both thoroughly propagandize their own people and call themselves democracies. They are known to kidnap, imprison, torture, and assassinate their foes without due process. Both possess nuclear arsenals capable of destroying the world many times over. The world surely remembers that America is the only nation to hold human life in such low regard as to actually deploy the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even with Japan’s eminent surrender at hand.
These governments are guilty of the same war crimes that the Nazi leadership was executed for after World War Two. They have histories of ethnic cleansing and genocide. The blood of innocent people runs warm on their hands, and they continually thirst for more.
It is clear that neither America nor Israel is interested in a negotiated peace in the Middle East. Both governments intend to force capitalism upon the region by systematically invading and occupying the Arab states. Their stated intent is to denationalize the immense natural wealth of the region, and turn it over to private corporations; to force the Islamic Arab states to join the World Trade Organization, and to accept capitalism as the new religious order. Some kind of Middle East Free Trade Agreement will likely be brokered at gun point, and the corporate fire sale will commence. Similar plans exist for other parts of the world.
Forget what the talking heads on the television tell you, and ignore the idiocy spewed forth by conservative talk show hosts; America’s Middle East policy has nothing to do with threats stemming from the development of nuclear arsenals, or imaginary terrorist plots to maim and kill, as reported in the corporate media. Such claims are useful propaganda, shameless promotions created to deceive a gullible people into believing there is an eminent threat to their freedoms that must be dealt with militarily. None of it is true.
The invasion and occupation of Iraq was foretold in a document titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century.” This paper was authored some six years ago by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and a host of neocon luminaries who are always clamoring for war. It provides the blue print for what is to come, but it is conveniently ignored by the corporate media.
If the neocons and their Zionist allies succeed, Iran will also be invaded and occupied, followed by Lebanon and Syria. Other states will follow, insuring that America and Israel remain in a state of perpetual war for the next hundred years. Preemptive strikes are the modus operandi. The plan calls for permanent military bases throughout the region, and the U.S. is already constructing fourteen permanent bases in Iraq. America has no intentions of leaving until the last drop of oil runs dry, and Iraq’s natural wealth has been privatized.
The larger purpose of the American-Israeli Middle East policy is to force capitalism onto the region. If they are successful, the occupied territories will fall under virtual martial law, and virtual U.S-Israeli rule. The dollar will become the currency, and every Arab state will be forced to join the WTO, and to comply with its laws. Membership in the WTO effectively renders a nation’s Constitution and its laws null and void. WTO membership is a key element in the new world order envisioned by the world’s wealthiest people.
The independent Arab states will be coerced into accepting loans from the IMF and the World Bank. A key feature of these loans is that they require the state to open its borders to private ownership and foreign investors (privatization). That is what occurred in Iraq when the Bremer orders were issued. A puppet government is installed to lend the appearance of legitimacy to the process. Some kind of Middle East Free Trade Agreement will likely be brokered at gun point; the inhabitants will eventually lose their cultural identity and become westernized. Imagine downtown Baghdad with a McDonalds at every corner, and Wal-Mart Super Centers all around.
This is the New World Order envisioned by George Herbert Walker Bush—corporate governance by the world’s wealthiest individuals. For everyone else it will be a world-sized gulag with all the accoutrements of a concentration camp.
Western capitalists break into a cold sweat when they think about the money to be made. They see private wealth in the form of the Middle East’s immense oil reserves, cheap exploitable labor, and the millions of new consumers that capitalism demands.
Any nation that resists corporate globalization will be labeled ‘terrorist states,’ and subjected to military invasion. The imperial invaders will declare that these states are developing nuclear weapons and present an eminent threat to the U.S and its allies. The corporate media will report that we are bringing democracy to the Middle East. All of this should sound hauntingly familiar.
Once the groundwork is laid, the invasion of Dick Cheney’s Halliburton, Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, and all of the corporations that are plundering Iraq can begin in earnest. Some 150 American corporations are already reaping billions in stolen Iraqi wealth. That is just the beginning.
The masters of war are promoting their agenda of corporate globalization by equating the resistance to free trade with terrorism. As all things Bush, this is just marketing hype and brazen lies—pure propaganda. By linking resistance to free trade to terrorism in the public mind, the perpetrators expect to market future wars and more occupations to the people who will be required to carry them out.
Speaking truth in America is becoming tantamount to an act of sedition, or terror. We already know what happens to terrorists in Bush World.
Acting as America’s fifty-first state, Israel’s elite will also reap the economic spoils of war, and expand its power throughout the region. She will then be in position to police the territory, and to put down insurrections with weapons made in the USA.
Much of the world already knows that democracy and capitalism are an oxymoron. As we can see (if we are willing to look), capitalism and free trade oppresses human freedoms, rather than foster them. Do the people of Iraq feel liberated? Their country is being divvied out to corporate predators, while America holds a gun to their heads. When will we remove our blinders and see with clear eyes? Every atrocity that America and her allies accuse their enemies of committing, they have themselves committed. Will we ever remove our blinders and see with clear eyes?
There will never be peace as long as capitalism thrives and men without souls occupy human flesh. Nations will be carpet bombed, and millions of innocent people will suffer and die horribly. The corporate CEOs and their share holders view this as a small price for others to pay, so long as they profit.
In an article published in The New Yorker this week, Seymour Hersch exposed the Pentagon’s covert plot to invade Iran. The corporatocracy considers Iran as the crown jewel of the Middle East. What the Plutocrats did not count on, however, was the fierce resistance the occupying forces have encountered in Iraq, where nothing has gone according to plan. Beyond the green zone there is no part of the country that is safe. The world’s most powerful military cannot defeat the building guerilla resistance that continues to grow and intensify. In Lebanon, the world’s second strongest military was unable to defeat Hezbollah and its antiquated weaponry.
While these are viewed as ominous signs for the New World Order, they are an indication that there may be justice in this world after all. The fierce resistance to occupation by the Palestinians on the West and Bank and the Gaza Strip, the spirited defiance to occupation in Iraq, and the repulsion of the Israeli military from Lebanon are cause for hope. They are victories for the people against their oppressors. Apart from the aggressors, the world recognizes the right of all peoples to resist foreign occupation and to determine their own fate. It is a moral duty. There is hope in resistance. Someone once said, “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”
In their unfathomable hubris, both the Israeli and the American governments have seriously underestimated the spiritual strength and determination of the freedom fighters resisting corporate globalization. They will never stop fighting until the occupiers have been driven out, as occupying armies always are. The invaders can kill the majority of the population with their sophisticated weaponry, but those who remain will expel them, as the Vietnamese expelled the U.S. from Vietnam. History has taught us these lessons again and again, but we Americans do not know history; nor do we want to know it.
By now the whole world knows that America is none of the things that she purports to be; that is, everyone except the Americans. It is said that America has fifty states but in fact she has fifty-one, Israel being the fifty-first. Perhaps Great Britain could be counted as the fifty-second.
It is ironic that the people who think they are the freest are the most controlled people on earth. It is equally odd that those who think they are part of the greatest democracy the world has ever known do not participate in a democracy at all; nor do they recognize one when they see it. These facts attest to how thoroughly the American people have been propagandized by the corporate media.
A controlled people have no will of their own. They believe what they are told, and they do what their government tells them to do. They have little intellectual curiosity about the world and rarely, if ever, question authority, much less challenge it. They have little or no knowledge of their nation’s history, and are a frightened and timid people that have no conception of reality. None are more effectively enslaved than those who think they are free. Americans are slaves to a corrupt system that preys upon them and tells them how well they are treated.
As America’s fifty-first state—Zionist Israel influences American foreign policy nearly as much as the corporations that run the government. On Capital Hill the Zionist lobby rivals the power of even the wealthiest corporations. The Pentagon, in particular, is heavily influenced by Zionists, and chief among them are Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Michael Rubin. The combination of Zionism and corporate Plutocracy is a particularly deadly and violent one; a perfect storm that has gathered over the Middle East and rained corpses upon the land in a cyclone of savage violence without end.
The evidence visibly demonstrates that both the American and Israeli governments are savage terrorist states. I make a clear distinction between the people and their respective governments; although the people must bear some of the responsibility for what their governments do. Recent reports from Amnesty International make clear that both nations deliberately target civilians and civilian infrastructure—including roads and bridges, water sanitation facilities, electrical generating stations, ambulances transporting the wounded to hospitals, rescue workers recovering the dead, and even women and children seeking refuge in bomb shelters. Other humanitarian NGOs have uncovered similar findings.
Not only are such events an abomination, they are acts of extreme cowardice; the work of madmen intoxicated by transitory power in pursuit of private wealth.
The Israeli and American governments have little regard for life, or human freedoms. Both thoroughly propagandize their own people and call themselves democracies. They are known to kidnap, imprison, torture, and assassinate their foes without due process. Both possess nuclear arsenals capable of destroying the world many times over. The world surely remembers that America is the only nation to hold human life in such low regard as to actually deploy the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even with Japan’s eminent surrender at hand.
These governments are guilty of the same war crimes that the Nazi leadership was executed for after World War Two. They have histories of ethnic cleansing and genocide. The blood of innocent people runs warm on their hands, and they continually thirst for more.
It is clear that neither America nor Israel is interested in a negotiated peace in the Middle East. Both governments intend to force capitalism upon the region by systematically invading and occupying the Arab states. Their stated intent is to denationalize the immense natural wealth of the region, and turn it over to private corporations; to force the Islamic Arab states to join the World Trade Organization, and to accept capitalism as the new religious order. Some kind of Middle East Free Trade Agreement will likely be brokered at gun point, and the corporate fire sale will commence. Similar plans exist for other parts of the world.
Forget what the talking heads on the television tell you, and ignore the idiocy spewed forth by conservative talk show hosts; America’s Middle East policy has nothing to do with threats stemming from the development of nuclear arsenals, or imaginary terrorist plots to maim and kill, as reported in the corporate media. Such claims are useful propaganda, shameless promotions created to deceive a gullible people into believing there is an eminent threat to their freedoms that must be dealt with militarily. None of it is true.
The invasion and occupation of Iraq was foretold in a document titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century.” This paper was authored some six years ago by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and a host of neocon luminaries who are always clamoring for war. It provides the blue print for what is to come, but it is conveniently ignored by the corporate media.
If the neocons and their Zionist allies succeed, Iran will also be invaded and occupied, followed by Lebanon and Syria. Other states will follow, insuring that America and Israel remain in a state of perpetual war for the next hundred years. Preemptive strikes are the modus operandi. The plan calls for permanent military bases throughout the region, and the U.S. is already constructing fourteen permanent bases in Iraq. America has no intentions of leaving until the last drop of oil runs dry, and Iraq’s natural wealth has been privatized.
The larger purpose of the American-Israeli Middle East policy is to force capitalism onto the region. If they are successful, the occupied territories will fall under virtual martial law, and virtual U.S-Israeli rule. The dollar will become the currency, and every Arab state will be forced to join the WTO, and to comply with its laws. Membership in the WTO effectively renders a nation’s Constitution and its laws null and void. WTO membership is a key element in the new world order envisioned by the world’s wealthiest people.
The independent Arab states will be coerced into accepting loans from the IMF and the World Bank. A key feature of these loans is that they require the state to open its borders to private ownership and foreign investors (privatization). That is what occurred in Iraq when the Bremer orders were issued. A puppet government is installed to lend the appearance of legitimacy to the process. Some kind of Middle East Free Trade Agreement will likely be brokered at gun point; the inhabitants will eventually lose their cultural identity and become westernized. Imagine downtown Baghdad with a McDonalds at every corner, and Wal-Mart Super Centers all around.
This is the New World Order envisioned by George Herbert Walker Bush—corporate governance by the world’s wealthiest individuals. For everyone else it will be a world-sized gulag with all the accoutrements of a concentration camp.
Western capitalists break into a cold sweat when they think about the money to be made. They see private wealth in the form of the Middle East’s immense oil reserves, cheap exploitable labor, and the millions of new consumers that capitalism demands.
Any nation that resists corporate globalization will be labeled ‘terrorist states,’ and subjected to military invasion. The imperial invaders will declare that these states are developing nuclear weapons and present an eminent threat to the U.S and its allies. The corporate media will report that we are bringing democracy to the Middle East. All of this should sound hauntingly familiar.
Once the groundwork is laid, the invasion of Dick Cheney’s Halliburton, Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, and all of the corporations that are plundering Iraq can begin in earnest. Some 150 American corporations are already reaping billions in stolen Iraqi wealth. That is just the beginning.
The masters of war are promoting their agenda of corporate globalization by equating the resistance to free trade with terrorism. As all things Bush, this is just marketing hype and brazen lies—pure propaganda. By linking resistance to free trade to terrorism in the public mind, the perpetrators expect to market future wars and more occupations to the people who will be required to carry them out.
Speaking truth in America is becoming tantamount to an act of sedition, or terror. We already know what happens to terrorists in Bush World.
Acting as America’s fifty-first state, Israel’s elite will also reap the economic spoils of war, and expand its power throughout the region. She will then be in position to police the territory, and to put down insurrections with weapons made in the USA.
Much of the world already knows that democracy and capitalism are an oxymoron. As we can see (if we are willing to look), capitalism and free trade oppresses human freedoms, rather than foster them. Do the people of Iraq feel liberated? Their country is being divvied out to corporate predators, while America holds a gun to their heads. When will we remove our blinders and see with clear eyes? Every atrocity that America and her allies accuse their enemies of committing, they have themselves committed. Will we ever remove our blinders and see with clear eyes?
There will never be peace as long as capitalism thrives and men without souls occupy human flesh. Nations will be carpet bombed, and millions of innocent people will suffer and die horribly. The corporate CEOs and their share holders view this as a small price for others to pay, so long as they profit.
In an article published in The New Yorker this week, Seymour Hersch exposed the Pentagon’s covert plot to invade Iran. The corporatocracy considers Iran as the crown jewel of the Middle East. What the Plutocrats did not count on, however, was the fierce resistance the occupying forces have encountered in Iraq, where nothing has gone according to plan. Beyond the green zone there is no part of the country that is safe. The world’s most powerful military cannot defeat the building guerilla resistance that continues to grow and intensify. In Lebanon, the world’s second strongest military was unable to defeat Hezbollah and its antiquated weaponry.
While these are viewed as ominous signs for the New World Order, they are an indication that there may be justice in this world after all. The fierce resistance to occupation by the Palestinians on the West and Bank and the Gaza Strip, the spirited defiance to occupation in Iraq, and the repulsion of the Israeli military from Lebanon are cause for hope. They are victories for the people against their oppressors. Apart from the aggressors, the world recognizes the right of all peoples to resist foreign occupation and to determine their own fate. It is a moral duty. There is hope in resistance. Someone once said, “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”
In their unfathomable hubris, both the Israeli and the American governments have seriously underestimated the spiritual strength and determination of the freedom fighters resisting corporate globalization. They will never stop fighting until the occupiers have been driven out, as occupying armies always are. The invaders can kill the majority of the population with their sophisticated weaponry, but those who remain will expel them, as the Vietnamese expelled the U.S. from Vietnam. History has taught us these lessons again and again, but we Americans do not know history; nor do we want to know it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Genesis: The Creation of the Saudi Crime Syndicate
Genesis: The Creation of the Saudi Crime Syndicate
When it was discovered that money from Saudi Princess Haifa bint Faisal had found its way, into the hands of Al Qaeda operative and advance man for the 9/11 hijackers Omar al-Bayoumi, the Saudi Princess put forward one of the worst alibis ever concocted. Princess Haifa claimed that she was giving the money to a woman named Majeda Ibrahin Dweikat so she could treat her thyroid condition ("The Saudi Money Trail"). The good Princess claimed she had no idea that Majeda and her husband, Omar Basnan, were passing the money to Omar al-Bayoumi. The problem is that Majeda's husband, Osama Basnan, was known to be a "vocal Al-Qaeda sympathizer". According to a law enforcement official, shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Basnan "celebrated the heroes of September 11" and referred to September 11 as a "wonderful, glorious day". Basnan is also known to have "met with a high Saudi prince who has responsibilities for intelligence matters and is known to bring suitcases full of cash into the United States". Princess Haifa also connected to Omar al-Bayoumi through her husband, Prince Bandar bin Sultan. Omar al-Bayoumi had worked for Dallah Avco, the aviation services company owned by Prince Bandar's father, Prince Sultan. All of this seemed to suggest that more connected Princess Haifa to Omar al-Bayoumi than just unintended charity.
However, the 9/11 Commission accepted Princess Faisal's alibi at face value. Why did the Commission give thumbs-up to such a flimsy explanation? The Commission never intended to find the truth behind 9/11. Its job was to cover up the fact that the United States government and the American aristocracy were intimately tied to the amalgam of terrorist financiers and criminals collectively referred to as the Saudi elite or Saudi Royals. This alliance goes back to the birth of the modern state of Saudi Arabia. This genesis story doesn't begin with a charismatic Arab leader, but with a member of British intelligence: St. John Philby, known also as Jack Philby.
Jack Philby: Saudi Arabia's Founding Father
Many people are more acquainted with Jack Philby's son, the notorious Communist double agent, Harold Adrian Russell Philby, also known as Kim Philby. However, Jack's story is no less important. Jack could be considered the founding father of Saudi Arabia. Jack Philby was a British Civil Servant who was dismissed for sexual misconduct (Loftus and Aarons 25). From there Jack was picked up by British secret service MI6 in 1915 (25). The British secret service was known for its anti-Jewish ranks that viewed all Jews as secret communists (31-2). The anti-Jewish sentiments found in the British secret service had trickled down from the British power elite. The British saw the Balfour Declaration as merely a foreign propaganda tool meant to get American military support during World War 1 (29). The British actually favored more of an Arab presence in the Palestine territory with a small Jewish minority to placate America (29). This is why the Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised that Palestine would be "a national home" as opposed to "the national home" for the Jews (29). The Balfour Declaration's language would allow for a situation where the Jews would be insignificant in the Middle East.
Jack's involvement in British secret service probably helped shape his anti-Jewish mindset. John Loftus and Mark Aarons elaborates:
During the early 1920s, Philby and his secret service colleagues did everything they could to undercut Zionist immigration. Philby's secret service station organized anti-Jewish propaganda in Palestine. To be fair, he was merely carrying out a policy organized by his predecessors to stir up the Arabs against the Jews. According to several of our sources, Great Britain was the first modern country to use its intelligence service to organize terrorist acts against the Jews. (33)
However, Jack was more than just a Jew-hater. Philby's fanaticism went much further than the fanaticism of his colleagues in MI6 or the British power elite. While the British power elite and MI6 were anti-Jewish, they were still not supportive of Arab self-determination and political independence. From the perspective of the British oligarchs and MI6, the Arab world was to be divided into French and British spheres of influence. The secret Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 was concocted for just this purpose (28-9). Jack Philby was fanatically pro-Arab. In 1917, Jack met with the chieftain of the Wahhabi sect, Ibn Saud (30). This was supposed to be just a minor political mission, but what came out of it was an alliance between Jack and Ibn Saud as well as Philby's adoption of Wahhabism (30-1). Philby passed intelligence information to Ibn Saud that allowed the House of Saud to defeat Sharif Hussein and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was born (35).
Did Jack Philby help found Saudi Arabia on behalf of the British power elite and MI6? In all likelihood, the answer is no. Philby's support of Ibn Saud was motivated by his hatred for Britain. When Philby realized that British promises of Arab independence were not genuine, he broke politically with England (28). Still, Philby's pro-Arab fanaticism buttressed the British power elite's anti-Jewish agenda. While he may have been a renegade, Jack Philby's work seemed to always help one or more faction of the power elite. This included the American elite. With the aid of Allen Dulles, Jack Philby would connect the Saudi elite to American elite.
Dulles, Big Oil, and ARAMCO
In the 1930s, Philby was able to convince Ibn Saud to allow foreign investment in the Kingdom in the name of discovering oil. Philby convinced Ibn Saud to allow Charles Crane to facilitate exploration of Saudi Arabia's subsoil assets (42). In 1933, Standard Oil of California (SOCAL) negotiated with Philby for a 60-year contract that allowed SOCAL to have exclusive rights to explore and extract oil (42-3). This was the beginning of what would become the Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO). The U.S. State Department classifies ARAMCO as the richest commercial prize in the history of the planet ("St. John Philby").
A key player in the creation of ARAMCO was Dulles ally James Forrestal. Forrestal brought SOCAL and Texaco together in an agreement that formed Caltex, the parent company of ARAMCO (Loftus and Aarons 63). James Forrestal's ties to the Dulles brothers were extremely important. Not only was the Dulles brothers agents of the power elite, but Allen Dulles had also been in a criminal relationship with Jack Philby since 1921 (39). In that year, Philby, who was then the secret service head of intelligence for Transjordan, met Allen, who was then stationed in Istanbul (39). Allen helped Jack guarantee the economic and political survival of Ibn Saud through his connections to American oil companies (38). Together, Philby and Dulles helped build the modern state of Saudi Arabia and connect the American elite to the Saudi elite.
The 9/11 Cover-Up
A real inquiry into the September 11th attacks would have proven disastrous for the American power elite. A genuine investigation would have revealed that the Saudi elite had their hands all over the attacks. This would have led to a deeper examination of the Saudi elite, which would have revealed that the American power elite has been connected to the Saudi criminal and conspiratorial infrastructure since Philby and Dulles created it. A bogus investigation had to be concocted. The first indication of a cover-up came when President Bush attempted to appoint Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 Commission. Kissinger's consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, has had dealings with Saudi Arabia in the past (Scheer). When the public and activists raised the roof over this move, Henry was replaced with Thomas Kean. Kean is the director of oil giant Amerada Hess (Hicks 76). At the time of the 9/11 hearings Amerada Hess was conducting a joint venture with the Saudi Arabian oil company Delta Oil (76). The idea that Kean would follow the Saudi money trail of 9/11 was laughable.
The political landscape is filled with many discomforting truths that the common man must wrap his head around. One of those truths is that those who claim to be defending us are in bed with the very forces they claim to be defending us from. The connection between the American elite and the Saudi elite illustrates this point. It is time to take responsibility for our own protection, instead of leaving it in the hands of those who see us as cattle to be harvested.
Sources Cited
* Hicks, Sander. The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistleblowers, and the Cover-Up. New York: Vox Pop, 2005.
* Loftus, John and Mark Aarons. The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. New York: St. Martin Press, 1994.
* Reno, Jamie et al. "The Saudi Money Trail." MSNBC.com 2002 Newsweek, Inc.
* Scheer, Robert. "Want a Cover-Up Expert? Kissinger's Your Man." The Nation 3 December 2002.
* "St. John Philby." Wikipedia 21 August 2007
When it was discovered that money from Saudi Princess Haifa bint Faisal had found its way, into the hands of Al Qaeda operative and advance man for the 9/11 hijackers Omar al-Bayoumi, the Saudi Princess put forward one of the worst alibis ever concocted. Princess Haifa claimed that she was giving the money to a woman named Majeda Ibrahin Dweikat so she could treat her thyroid condition ("The Saudi Money Trail"). The good Princess claimed she had no idea that Majeda and her husband, Omar Basnan, were passing the money to Omar al-Bayoumi. The problem is that Majeda's husband, Osama Basnan, was known to be a "vocal Al-Qaeda sympathizer". According to a law enforcement official, shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Basnan "celebrated the heroes of September 11" and referred to September 11 as a "wonderful, glorious day". Basnan is also known to have "met with a high Saudi prince who has responsibilities for intelligence matters and is known to bring suitcases full of cash into the United States". Princess Haifa also connected to Omar al-Bayoumi through her husband, Prince Bandar bin Sultan. Omar al-Bayoumi had worked for Dallah Avco, the aviation services company owned by Prince Bandar's father, Prince Sultan. All of this seemed to suggest that more connected Princess Haifa to Omar al-Bayoumi than just unintended charity.
However, the 9/11 Commission accepted Princess Faisal's alibi at face value. Why did the Commission give thumbs-up to such a flimsy explanation? The Commission never intended to find the truth behind 9/11. Its job was to cover up the fact that the United States government and the American aristocracy were intimately tied to the amalgam of terrorist financiers and criminals collectively referred to as the Saudi elite or Saudi Royals. This alliance goes back to the birth of the modern state of Saudi Arabia. This genesis story doesn't begin with a charismatic Arab leader, but with a member of British intelligence: St. John Philby, known also as Jack Philby.
Jack Philby: Saudi Arabia's Founding Father
Many people are more acquainted with Jack Philby's son, the notorious Communist double agent, Harold Adrian Russell Philby, also known as Kim Philby. However, Jack's story is no less important. Jack could be considered the founding father of Saudi Arabia. Jack Philby was a British Civil Servant who was dismissed for sexual misconduct (Loftus and Aarons 25). From there Jack was picked up by British secret service MI6 in 1915 (25). The British secret service was known for its anti-Jewish ranks that viewed all Jews as secret communists (31-2). The anti-Jewish sentiments found in the British secret service had trickled down from the British power elite. The British saw the Balfour Declaration as merely a foreign propaganda tool meant to get American military support during World War 1 (29). The British actually favored more of an Arab presence in the Palestine territory with a small Jewish minority to placate America (29). This is why the Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised that Palestine would be "a national home" as opposed to "the national home" for the Jews (29). The Balfour Declaration's language would allow for a situation where the Jews would be insignificant in the Middle East.
Jack's involvement in British secret service probably helped shape his anti-Jewish mindset. John Loftus and Mark Aarons elaborates:
During the early 1920s, Philby and his secret service colleagues did everything they could to undercut Zionist immigration. Philby's secret service station organized anti-Jewish propaganda in Palestine. To be fair, he was merely carrying out a policy organized by his predecessors to stir up the Arabs against the Jews. According to several of our sources, Great Britain was the first modern country to use its intelligence service to organize terrorist acts against the Jews. (33)
However, Jack was more than just a Jew-hater. Philby's fanaticism went much further than the fanaticism of his colleagues in MI6 or the British power elite. While the British power elite and MI6 were anti-Jewish, they were still not supportive of Arab self-determination and political independence. From the perspective of the British oligarchs and MI6, the Arab world was to be divided into French and British spheres of influence. The secret Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 was concocted for just this purpose (28-9). Jack Philby was fanatically pro-Arab. In 1917, Jack met with the chieftain of the Wahhabi sect, Ibn Saud (30). This was supposed to be just a minor political mission, but what came out of it was an alliance between Jack and Ibn Saud as well as Philby's adoption of Wahhabism (30-1). Philby passed intelligence information to Ibn Saud that allowed the House of Saud to defeat Sharif Hussein and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was born (35).
Did Jack Philby help found Saudi Arabia on behalf of the British power elite and MI6? In all likelihood, the answer is no. Philby's support of Ibn Saud was motivated by his hatred for Britain. When Philby realized that British promises of Arab independence were not genuine, he broke politically with England (28). Still, Philby's pro-Arab fanaticism buttressed the British power elite's anti-Jewish agenda. While he may have been a renegade, Jack Philby's work seemed to always help one or more faction of the power elite. This included the American elite. With the aid of Allen Dulles, Jack Philby would connect the Saudi elite to American elite.
Dulles, Big Oil, and ARAMCO
In the 1930s, Philby was able to convince Ibn Saud to allow foreign investment in the Kingdom in the name of discovering oil. Philby convinced Ibn Saud to allow Charles Crane to facilitate exploration of Saudi Arabia's subsoil assets (42). In 1933, Standard Oil of California (SOCAL) negotiated with Philby for a 60-year contract that allowed SOCAL to have exclusive rights to explore and extract oil (42-3). This was the beginning of what would become the Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO). The U.S. State Department classifies ARAMCO as the richest commercial prize in the history of the planet ("St. John Philby").
A key player in the creation of ARAMCO was Dulles ally James Forrestal. Forrestal brought SOCAL and Texaco together in an agreement that formed Caltex, the parent company of ARAMCO (Loftus and Aarons 63). James Forrestal's ties to the Dulles brothers were extremely important. Not only was the Dulles brothers agents of the power elite, but Allen Dulles had also been in a criminal relationship with Jack Philby since 1921 (39). In that year, Philby, who was then the secret service head of intelligence for Transjordan, met Allen, who was then stationed in Istanbul (39). Allen helped Jack guarantee the economic and political survival of Ibn Saud through his connections to American oil companies (38). Together, Philby and Dulles helped build the modern state of Saudi Arabia and connect the American elite to the Saudi elite.
The 9/11 Cover-Up
A real inquiry into the September 11th attacks would have proven disastrous for the American power elite. A genuine investigation would have revealed that the Saudi elite had their hands all over the attacks. This would have led to a deeper examination of the Saudi elite, which would have revealed that the American power elite has been connected to the Saudi criminal and conspiratorial infrastructure since Philby and Dulles created it. A bogus investigation had to be concocted. The first indication of a cover-up came when President Bush attempted to appoint Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 Commission. Kissinger's consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, has had dealings with Saudi Arabia in the past (Scheer). When the public and activists raised the roof over this move, Henry was replaced with Thomas Kean. Kean is the director of oil giant Amerada Hess (Hicks 76). At the time of the 9/11 hearings Amerada Hess was conducting a joint venture with the Saudi Arabian oil company Delta Oil (76). The idea that Kean would follow the Saudi money trail of 9/11 was laughable.
The political landscape is filled with many discomforting truths that the common man must wrap his head around. One of those truths is that those who claim to be defending us are in bed with the very forces they claim to be defending us from. The connection between the American elite and the Saudi elite illustrates this point. It is time to take responsibility for our own protection, instead of leaving it in the hands of those who see us as cattle to be harvested.
Sources Cited
* Hicks, Sander. The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistleblowers, and the Cover-Up. New York: Vox Pop, 2005.
* Loftus, John and Mark Aarons. The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. New York: St. Martin Press, 1994.
* Reno, Jamie et al. "The Saudi Money Trail." MSNBC.com 2002 Newsweek, Inc.
* Scheer, Robert. "Want a Cover-Up Expert? Kissinger's Your Man." The Nation 3 December 2002.
* "St. John Philby." Wikipedia 21 August 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
The Omega Agency
The Omega Agency consists of a network set up much like the CIA. There are thousands world-wide who take their orders directly from the ruling council of the Omega Agency. This council consists of 10 to 12 people. George Bush and Alexander C. Haig are two names known to sit on the council of the Omega Agency. The OA is the driving force behind what is commonly called the "New World Order." The OA's office is located at Langley AFB.
They plan to establish their NWO, for lack of a better term, in a time span of no less than 5 days. And they intend to do it without open war.
Recall when President Reagan was shot. Haig made the statements to the press that "I'm in charge now." If you'll remember, he caught a lot of flack for that, and shortly thereafter, he was accused of various things that ruined his name politically. This was done by members of Congress who were aware of his seat on the Omega Agency council, and they feared losing their claim to power. Haig jumped the gun in his statements, and ended up giving up his political position because of it. Had Reagan died, we would have had Bush as President, and Haig as Secretary of State. Two men in power who sit on the OA council. But because of the commotion raised by a few members of Congress, Haig faded into the background rather than risk exposure of his connection to the OA, or of the OA itself.
Recall when the Gulf War started. Bush used the exact words "New World Order" in his speech to the country. He said it several times, that the Gulf War marked the beginning of a NWO. The Gulf War was not a war about oil or the freedom of the people of Kuwait. It was a test of how well multi-national troops under the guidance of the UN would react in a war situation. The same holds true for Somalia and Bosnia. Multi-national troops under the direction of the UN. The Omega Agency controls the UN.
Bush didn't lose the election to Clinton. Bush needed to be out of the limelight of the presidency in order to concentrate on and escalate the plans of the Omega Agency. And in Clinton, they had a stooge who would not rock the boat and who would do what he was told. Notice how quick Clinton has been to commit US troops to UN peace-keeping forces here and there. Notice who Clinton appointed as Secretary of State - Madeline Albright, the UN lady. Notice who Clinton gave federal land to - the UN.
Why the need for a one-world government? The reasoning of the Omega Agency is this: Crime is out of control on a world-wide basis, especially in the US. People are out of control, not taking responsibility for themselves or their actions. Population growth is out of control on a world-wide level. The judicial system of the US is a joke. The political system of the US and most countries world-wide is a joke, corrupted and polluted by greed and power-hungry people who don't care about the population they were elected or appointed to serve. Under the governing body the Omega Agency plans to put in power, this would end. End of trial by jury. End of living off of society and not contributing your fair share. End of taking advantage of others for one's own personal gain. All who are able would contribute to the growth and well-being of the world's society, or they would pay the price for not pulling their fair share.
What is this price? Basically, it will be like this: Those who are able physically and mentally to work will do so. If you have a job/profession at the time that the OA takes over, you will continue in that job/profession. If you are drawing welfare, but are physically able to work, you will work. Personal freedoms to come and go as one pleases world-wide will not change. Basically, the OA doesn't care what people do to amuse themselves, entertain themselves, etc., as long as they are working and contributing to the society as a whole. But there will be zero tolerance of any act that hurts/harms another. Crimes against another or against society will be met with the death penalty, if such crime is of a severe nature such as murder, rape or robbery. What is now considered a felony crime will be punishable by death. What is now considered a misdemeanor crime will be punishable by imprisonment on a work farm for a number of years equal to what the OA considers suitable payback for the said crime against society. These work farms will be in the business of growing food, manufacture of clothing, textiles, etc. People sent to these farms will work for the specified time, or will be eliminated.
There will be zero tolerance for any crime that hurts, harms or infringes on the life of others. Example - a person making threatening phone calls to another will be picked up and sent to one of the work farms. A person committing a drive-by shooting will be punished with immediate death. The policing of the populous will be carried out by men/women who are already chosen and merely waiting for the time when they will go to work for the OA openly. Most are current and/or former military people who worked special ops while on active duty. These people will be responsible for seeking out those guilty of a crime. Once the person is located, they will inform that person that they are guilty of said crime and immediately put a bullet in their head. End of crime problem from that person. Should the person's crime not warrant the death penalty, these Public Security Officers will pick up the person and deliver them to the work farm. If the person resists, they will be shot on the spot. No trial, no jury, no lawyer, no Miranda rights. The Public Security Officer will have the authority to act as sole judge, jury, and executioner of the punishment that the OA declares fits the crime.
Population control will be accomplished by mandatory birth control by all people, men as well as women. Abortion will be freely available. There will be zero tolerance for child-bearing out of wedlock. The institute of marriage is looked upon with favor by the OA. There will be a limit of 2 children per couple allowed. Should one become pregnant after the 2-child limit has been reached, and dispite the use of birth control, then the options will be either to have an abortion or to increase one's work load to compensate society for the burden of the extra child. Birth control and abortion will be completely acceptable in the eyes of the various religions world-wide. It will, in fact, be encouraged and mandatory under some religious doctrines. Recall VP Gore's meeting behind closed doors with religious leaders and NASA officials at the beginning of 1997.
The OA has not taken control yet because there are forces within the existing governments of the world that are aware of their plans and oppose them. In the US, these forces are largely centered in the CIA and NSA. The CIA wants world control, but on its terms. The CIA wants to see a more communistic-type government set up on a world-wide basis. While the OA professes to believe in the maintaining of personal freedoms so long as one is a contributing member of society and not infringing on the lives of others, the CIA would rather see a world where all people are controlled in all ways, from what type of job one does to how one worships. The Omega Agency, once it comes into power, plans to reveal everything to the people of the world. From the running of drugs to finance the Vietnam War. George Bush himself is said to have made the statement that he will personally tell of his involvement in the running of drugs to finance the Vietnam war while he was CIA director. To the OA way of thinking, the ends really do justify the means, and in the case of the Vietnam war, the running of drugs was necessary to finance the operation in that country. Therefore, it was a justified endeavor. Not one to be proud of, but justified nonetheless.
The CIA/NSA/OA all monitor the internet closely. Especially IRC. The Net is described as the most dangerous tool in the world at this point in time because it is uncontrolled. Those who talk about these types of things or carry information about these things on their web sites are closely monitored. In "government talk", orders to "watch" someone translates into instructions to keep track of them by whatever means necessary, and if they cross the line, if they stumble upon the truth of the matter and don't keep their mouth shut, "take them out". This can be done in any way that works without drawing too much suspicion. Such as brakes on the car failing, a random victim in a drive-by shooting, a random target in a store robbery where that person just happens to be shopping at the time, etc. The determination as to whether a person needs to be "taken out" is left up to the discretion of the one doing the watching. It is, in effect, an open license to kill to protect the Omega Agency from public exposure before it has deemed the time is right for it to take control of the planet. In some cases, it is determined that the person in question would pose more of a threat if they died. In such a case, the machinery of the OA goes into action to discredit that person. Character assassination, manipulation of others so as to turn people against the person, campaigns to brand them a disinformation agent, a liar, a mentally unstable person, etc., are put into motion. This has been found to be an effective method of dealing with someone who gets to the truth and doesn't keep silent. In fact, it has been found to not only discredit the target victim but to cast a shadow of doubt and suspicion on others who may have listened to the targeted person.
This plan for the establishment of a one-world governing body, namely what is now known as the Omega Agency, has been in the works for a long time. And it is said that it cannot be stopped. Those who oppose the establishment of the Omega Agency's New World Order, and who cannot be brought into line through persuasion or manipulation will be eliminated as threats to society.
The person from which this information was obtained passionately believes that this plan is the solution to the world's problems. This person is also awaiting the start of a new job - as a Public Security Officer. This is a position this person was trained for and accepted before leaving active military service.
They plan to establish their NWO, for lack of a better term, in a time span of no less than 5 days. And they intend to do it without open war.
Recall when President Reagan was shot. Haig made the statements to the press that "I'm in charge now." If you'll remember, he caught a lot of flack for that, and shortly thereafter, he was accused of various things that ruined his name politically. This was done by members of Congress who were aware of his seat on the Omega Agency council, and they feared losing their claim to power. Haig jumped the gun in his statements, and ended up giving up his political position because of it. Had Reagan died, we would have had Bush as President, and Haig as Secretary of State. Two men in power who sit on the OA council. But because of the commotion raised by a few members of Congress, Haig faded into the background rather than risk exposure of his connection to the OA, or of the OA itself.
Recall when the Gulf War started. Bush used the exact words "New World Order" in his speech to the country. He said it several times, that the Gulf War marked the beginning of a NWO. The Gulf War was not a war about oil or the freedom of the people of Kuwait. It was a test of how well multi-national troops under the guidance of the UN would react in a war situation. The same holds true for Somalia and Bosnia. Multi-national troops under the direction of the UN. The Omega Agency controls the UN.
Bush didn't lose the election to Clinton. Bush needed to be out of the limelight of the presidency in order to concentrate on and escalate the plans of the Omega Agency. And in Clinton, they had a stooge who would not rock the boat and who would do what he was told. Notice how quick Clinton has been to commit US troops to UN peace-keeping forces here and there. Notice who Clinton appointed as Secretary of State - Madeline Albright, the UN lady. Notice who Clinton gave federal land to - the UN.
Why the need for a one-world government? The reasoning of the Omega Agency is this: Crime is out of control on a world-wide basis, especially in the US. People are out of control, not taking responsibility for themselves or their actions. Population growth is out of control on a world-wide level. The judicial system of the US is a joke. The political system of the US and most countries world-wide is a joke, corrupted and polluted by greed and power-hungry people who don't care about the population they were elected or appointed to serve. Under the governing body the Omega Agency plans to put in power, this would end. End of trial by jury. End of living off of society and not contributing your fair share. End of taking advantage of others for one's own personal gain. All who are able would contribute to the growth and well-being of the world's society, or they would pay the price for not pulling their fair share.
What is this price? Basically, it will be like this: Those who are able physically and mentally to work will do so. If you have a job/profession at the time that the OA takes over, you will continue in that job/profession. If you are drawing welfare, but are physically able to work, you will work. Personal freedoms to come and go as one pleases world-wide will not change. Basically, the OA doesn't care what people do to amuse themselves, entertain themselves, etc., as long as they are working and contributing to the society as a whole. But there will be zero tolerance of any act that hurts/harms another. Crimes against another or against society will be met with the death penalty, if such crime is of a severe nature such as murder, rape or robbery. What is now considered a felony crime will be punishable by death. What is now considered a misdemeanor crime will be punishable by imprisonment on a work farm for a number of years equal to what the OA considers suitable payback for the said crime against society. These work farms will be in the business of growing food, manufacture of clothing, textiles, etc. People sent to these farms will work for the specified time, or will be eliminated.
There will be zero tolerance for any crime that hurts, harms or infringes on the life of others. Example - a person making threatening phone calls to another will be picked up and sent to one of the work farms. A person committing a drive-by shooting will be punished with immediate death. The policing of the populous will be carried out by men/women who are already chosen and merely waiting for the time when they will go to work for the OA openly. Most are current and/or former military people who worked special ops while on active duty. These people will be responsible for seeking out those guilty of a crime. Once the person is located, they will inform that person that they are guilty of said crime and immediately put a bullet in their head. End of crime problem from that person. Should the person's crime not warrant the death penalty, these Public Security Officers will pick up the person and deliver them to the work farm. If the person resists, they will be shot on the spot. No trial, no jury, no lawyer, no Miranda rights. The Public Security Officer will have the authority to act as sole judge, jury, and executioner of the punishment that the OA declares fits the crime.
Population control will be accomplished by mandatory birth control by all people, men as well as women. Abortion will be freely available. There will be zero tolerance for child-bearing out of wedlock. The institute of marriage is looked upon with favor by the OA. There will be a limit of 2 children per couple allowed. Should one become pregnant after the 2-child limit has been reached, and dispite the use of birth control, then the options will be either to have an abortion or to increase one's work load to compensate society for the burden of the extra child. Birth control and abortion will be completely acceptable in the eyes of the various religions world-wide. It will, in fact, be encouraged and mandatory under some religious doctrines. Recall VP Gore's meeting behind closed doors with religious leaders and NASA officials at the beginning of 1997.
The OA has not taken control yet because there are forces within the existing governments of the world that are aware of their plans and oppose them. In the US, these forces are largely centered in the CIA and NSA. The CIA wants world control, but on its terms. The CIA wants to see a more communistic-type government set up on a world-wide basis. While the OA professes to believe in the maintaining of personal freedoms so long as one is a contributing member of society and not infringing on the lives of others, the CIA would rather see a world where all people are controlled in all ways, from what type of job one does to how one worships. The Omega Agency, once it comes into power, plans to reveal everything to the people of the world. From the running of drugs to finance the Vietnam War. George Bush himself is said to have made the statement that he will personally tell of his involvement in the running of drugs to finance the Vietnam war while he was CIA director. To the OA way of thinking, the ends really do justify the means, and in the case of the Vietnam war, the running of drugs was necessary to finance the operation in that country. Therefore, it was a justified endeavor. Not one to be proud of, but justified nonetheless.
The CIA/NSA/OA all monitor the internet closely. Especially IRC. The Net is described as the most dangerous tool in the world at this point in time because it is uncontrolled. Those who talk about these types of things or carry information about these things on their web sites are closely monitored. In "government talk", orders to "watch" someone translates into instructions to keep track of them by whatever means necessary, and if they cross the line, if they stumble upon the truth of the matter and don't keep their mouth shut, "take them out". This can be done in any way that works without drawing too much suspicion. Such as brakes on the car failing, a random victim in a drive-by shooting, a random target in a store robbery where that person just happens to be shopping at the time, etc. The determination as to whether a person needs to be "taken out" is left up to the discretion of the one doing the watching. It is, in effect, an open license to kill to protect the Omega Agency from public exposure before it has deemed the time is right for it to take control of the planet. In some cases, it is determined that the person in question would pose more of a threat if they died. In such a case, the machinery of the OA goes into action to discredit that person. Character assassination, manipulation of others so as to turn people against the person, campaigns to brand them a disinformation agent, a liar, a mentally unstable person, etc., are put into motion. This has been found to be an effective method of dealing with someone who gets to the truth and doesn't keep silent. In fact, it has been found to not only discredit the target victim but to cast a shadow of doubt and suspicion on others who may have listened to the targeted person.
This plan for the establishment of a one-world governing body, namely what is now known as the Omega Agency, has been in the works for a long time. And it is said that it cannot be stopped. Those who oppose the establishment of the Omega Agency's New World Order, and who cannot be brought into line through persuasion or manipulation will be eliminated as threats to society.
The person from which this information was obtained passionately believes that this plan is the solution to the world's problems. This person is also awaiting the start of a new job - as a Public Security Officer. This is a position this person was trained for and accepted before leaving active military service.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Get Rid of Sociological Stupidity In Schools
Recently I researched an article which led to learning about a 19th Century writer named Edward Bellamy. Bellamy's 1888 novel, 'Looking Backward', was a futurist projection to the year 2000.
The wealthy young hero of the novel, Julian West, had trouble sleeping, so when exhausted would retire to a specially constructed soundproof vault under his Boston home. A hypnotist would then put him into a deep sleep. When the hero had enough rest his valet would enter the vault and awaken him.
On a particular night in 1887 the hypnotist left town immediately after inducing the trance. During the night the house burned down taking the life of the valet and also--everyone understandably presumed--that of Julian West.
The scene changes to the year 2000. Workers, while excavating for the foundation of a private laboratory in the garden of Dr. Leete of Boston, come upon the 19th Century underground bedchamber and the body of a young man looking as if he had just lain down to sleep. Dr. Leete attempts resuscitation, and to his own astonishment his efforts prove successful.
After recovering from the shock of discovering that he has been asleep for more than 100 years, Julian West learns about the changes that have taken place during his sleep. He also has a rather stiff and mechanical romance with Edith Leete, the doctor's daughter, who is the great granddaughter of Edith Bartlett, the young woman to whom West had been engaged in the year 1887.
In the year 2000 no one has personal independence. Private capitalism has evolved into public capitalism; and everybody is represented as blissfully happy with universal equality and with being kept by the system. No one is separate. No one is special. No one is richer or poorer than anyone else. There is a universal distribution system and everybody is content with what he receives. Occupations are assigned by the system. The only religion is the Religion of Solidarity or Universal Brotherhood.
Millions of copies of 'Looking Backward' were sold in countries all over the world. It was an inspirational document for communists, socialists, Zionists, Nazis, corporate collectivists, Theosophists, revolutionaries, and people-pushers of all types. It was read by Americans, Russians, Chinese, English, Belgians, Germans, French, Africans, South Americans, etc., etc., etc..
Some critics pointed out, however, that Bellamy had used literary trickery. He had put his hero to sleep in 1887, and then awakened him after all the changes toward the world communistic society had taken place. How were the changes accomplished? How did the transition from the society of 1887 to the controlled society of the year 2000 come about? In 1897 Bellamy's sequel, 'Equality' was published. It took up where 'Looking Backward' left off. Conversations between the main characters and visits to classrooms revealed how sociologists, economists, and social planners of all types had used education to bring about the intellectual, religious, moral, political, material, and social changes of 2000.
It is an unsettling experience to read 'Equality' today because it reads almost like history rather than fiction. The devices and techniques described have, in fact, been used. It is even possible to predict planned future manipulations from the sociological scenario Bellamy outlined in 1897.
I decided I had to discover more about Bellamy and the influences which helped to shape his thoughts. I learned that he had been profoundly affected by the writings of Auguste Comte. I had never heard of Comte, so I went to my Werner Encyclopedia (American edition of Encyclopedia Britannica).
Comte (1798-1857) was a brilliant French mathematician/philosopher. He had one main ambition which was to remake the world according to his plan. He devoted his entire intellectual life to constructing a philosophical system and plan which could be used to take total control over all the people of the world for all time. Existing religions, governments and systems would be eliminated, and people would be changed so they could be made to adapt to Comte's world communist system,
First Comte arranged all the sciences according to what he believed to be their relative importance and stage of development. Above all the sciences, and directing all human activities was to be Comte's new science, sociology, or social science. Replacing and uniting all religions was to be Comte's new religion, the Religion of Humanity, or as his early teacher Saint Simon had termed it, Humanitarianism. Comte appointed himself the first High Priest of Humanity. The High Priest would dictate the moral precepts, medical policies and education, but have no other part in governing. Nation states would be replaced by a permanent communist world government.
The Werner Encyclopedia quoted Comte:
In the name of the Past and of the Future, the servants of Humanity--both its philosophical and its practical servants--come forward to claim as their due the general direction of this world. Their object is to constitute at length a real Providence in all departments, -- moral, intellectual, and material. Consequently they exclude once for all from political supremacy all the different servants of God--Catholic, Protestant, or Deist--as being at once behindhand and a cause of disturbance.
In spite of the fact that Comte, more than anyone else, deserved to be called the father of sociology; in spite of the fact that innumerable Communistic-type changes in education, religion, government, and business had already been brought about through Comte's social science and Religion of Humanity, I had never heard of the man. His work and his followers had a greater effect on our lives than any person in recent history that I could think of. Yet, I had never heard so much as his name. How could I have lived so long and gone through schooling, and still be so ignorant? One would think that if sociology were a science, as Comte claimed, the teachers and professors would want to inform students about its founders and their goals. My ignorance about Comte was mind boggling to say the least. Where had I been all my life? Where had anybody been? None of my friends, acquaintances, or relatives were any better informed.
Later I sought books written by late 19th and early 20th Century sociologists to see if they were carrying on in the same collectivist spirit as Comte. They were! Their lust for power over people and events was as great or greater than that of Comte himself. They said such things as:
It is indeed an ambitious conception, this idea of blueprinting the outlines of a truly worthful society for the future and then politicing societal evolution deliberately and intelligently toward that goal. There are those who regard such an ambition as ludicrously impossible. Yet this is the supreme aspiration of social science. ROSS L. FINNEY (1923)
If it were possible to control the learning of all individuals, in the way both of ideas and of emotional attitudes, as they come on the stage of life, it would be possible to modify the whole complex of our social life, or our civilization, within the comparatively short space of one or two generations. CHARLES A. ELLWOOD (1923)
The school is the germ plasm of the higher civilization. Teachers are, therefore, in charge of social selection at the source of origins for each new generation; they can even introduce at will mutations of their own invention. ROSS L. FINNEY (1929)
These men were serious. They were college professors teaching sociological goals and philosophy to their students. But that was only the beginning of what Comte put in motion. The Russian mystic. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, read Comte and incorporated his philosophical thoughts into her Theosophical Society formed in 1875. Annie Besant lectured and wrote about Comte and Bellamy John Dewey worked to adapt education to what Comte and Bellamy recommended. Multimillionaires paid to have sociology included in the curriculum of major colleges. Sociology did not have to be a true science. Money power bought its way into the curriculum.
In grade schools, high schools, and universities students in sociology or social science were taught to expect and work for change toward more cooperation--not knowing that the word, "cooperation" was the collectivist's code word for the less popular word, "socialism." Annie Besant explained this in 'The Theosophist' in February, 1930. She said:
I was giving a number of lectures here a year or two ago. I avoided the word socialism altogether. I always said, "cooperation," and my audiences were delighted with my ideas on cooperation. But it was only socialism under another name! Language is meant to express a thought and I knew if I said socialism you would think communism, and I wanted you to think cooperation. So I preached socialism under the name cooperation, and my audiences liked it.
Many pople, it appears also accept the idea that sociology is a science rather than a philosophy that denies individuality and personality. children(all over the world) are taught a curriculum designed by foundation-financed sociological organizations. Government bureaucracies make huge grants to support sociological education. Yet, there is no way a country can stay free when generation after generation of its children are sociologically schooled for socialism and communism. It is plain stupid to continue the process. History, geography and civics should be returned to the curriculum. Social studies can go the way of alchemy.
Sociology limits learning--That's STUPID! It experiments on people as if they were laboratory animals--That's STUPID! Sociology demands acceptance of destructive and degenerate types of behavior--That's STUPID! Sociology dictates group thinking. That's STUPID! Sociology restricts honest speech. That's STUPID! Sociology attempts to destroy character and personality. That's STUPID! Sociology endorses sexual perversion. That's STUPID! Sociology lies about its goals. That's STUPID! Sociology suggests student protests and violence. That's STUPID! Sociology promotes unmarried pregnancy. That's STUPID! Sociology sanctions lying by elected officials to support sociological goals. That's STUPID! Sociology works to end private ownership of land. That's STUPID! Sociology promotes communist world government. That's STUPID! We have done little to limit the power and influence of sociologists in the classrooms. That's STUPID!
Let's not continue supporting stupidity. Get Rid Of Sociological Stupidity. Think GROSS! It is important to our country's future to Get Rid Of Sociological Stupidity. Get Rid Of School Sociology. Sociology is not, and never has been a science. Get rid of it. Think GROSS!
The wealthy young hero of the novel, Julian West, had trouble sleeping, so when exhausted would retire to a specially constructed soundproof vault under his Boston home. A hypnotist would then put him into a deep sleep. When the hero had enough rest his valet would enter the vault and awaken him.
On a particular night in 1887 the hypnotist left town immediately after inducing the trance. During the night the house burned down taking the life of the valet and also--everyone understandably presumed--that of Julian West.
The scene changes to the year 2000. Workers, while excavating for the foundation of a private laboratory in the garden of Dr. Leete of Boston, come upon the 19th Century underground bedchamber and the body of a young man looking as if he had just lain down to sleep. Dr. Leete attempts resuscitation, and to his own astonishment his efforts prove successful.
After recovering from the shock of discovering that he has been asleep for more than 100 years, Julian West learns about the changes that have taken place during his sleep. He also has a rather stiff and mechanical romance with Edith Leete, the doctor's daughter, who is the great granddaughter of Edith Bartlett, the young woman to whom West had been engaged in the year 1887.
In the year 2000 no one has personal independence. Private capitalism has evolved into public capitalism; and everybody is represented as blissfully happy with universal equality and with being kept by the system. No one is separate. No one is special. No one is richer or poorer than anyone else. There is a universal distribution system and everybody is content with what he receives. Occupations are assigned by the system. The only religion is the Religion of Solidarity or Universal Brotherhood.
Millions of copies of 'Looking Backward' were sold in countries all over the world. It was an inspirational document for communists, socialists, Zionists, Nazis, corporate collectivists, Theosophists, revolutionaries, and people-pushers of all types. It was read by Americans, Russians, Chinese, English, Belgians, Germans, French, Africans, South Americans, etc., etc., etc..
Some critics pointed out, however, that Bellamy had used literary trickery. He had put his hero to sleep in 1887, and then awakened him after all the changes toward the world communistic society had taken place. How were the changes accomplished? How did the transition from the society of 1887 to the controlled society of the year 2000 come about? In 1897 Bellamy's sequel, 'Equality' was published. It took up where 'Looking Backward' left off. Conversations between the main characters and visits to classrooms revealed how sociologists, economists, and social planners of all types had used education to bring about the intellectual, religious, moral, political, material, and social changes of 2000.
It is an unsettling experience to read 'Equality' today because it reads almost like history rather than fiction. The devices and techniques described have, in fact, been used. It is even possible to predict planned future manipulations from the sociological scenario Bellamy outlined in 1897.
I decided I had to discover more about Bellamy and the influences which helped to shape his thoughts. I learned that he had been profoundly affected by the writings of Auguste Comte. I had never heard of Comte, so I went to my Werner Encyclopedia (American edition of Encyclopedia Britannica).
Comte (1798-1857) was a brilliant French mathematician/philosopher. He had one main ambition which was to remake the world according to his plan. He devoted his entire intellectual life to constructing a philosophical system and plan which could be used to take total control over all the people of the world for all time. Existing religions, governments and systems would be eliminated, and people would be changed so they could be made to adapt to Comte's world communist system,
First Comte arranged all the sciences according to what he believed to be their relative importance and stage of development. Above all the sciences, and directing all human activities was to be Comte's new science, sociology, or social science. Replacing and uniting all religions was to be Comte's new religion, the Religion of Humanity, or as his early teacher Saint Simon had termed it, Humanitarianism. Comte appointed himself the first High Priest of Humanity. The High Priest would dictate the moral precepts, medical policies and education, but have no other part in governing. Nation states would be replaced by a permanent communist world government.
The Werner Encyclopedia quoted Comte:
In the name of the Past and of the Future, the servants of Humanity--both its philosophical and its practical servants--come forward to claim as their due the general direction of this world. Their object is to constitute at length a real Providence in all departments, -- moral, intellectual, and material. Consequently they exclude once for all from political supremacy all the different servants of God--Catholic, Protestant, or Deist--as being at once behindhand and a cause of disturbance.
In spite of the fact that Comte, more than anyone else, deserved to be called the father of sociology; in spite of the fact that innumerable Communistic-type changes in education, religion, government, and business had already been brought about through Comte's social science and Religion of Humanity, I had never heard of the man. His work and his followers had a greater effect on our lives than any person in recent history that I could think of. Yet, I had never heard so much as his name. How could I have lived so long and gone through schooling, and still be so ignorant? One would think that if sociology were a science, as Comte claimed, the teachers and professors would want to inform students about its founders and their goals. My ignorance about Comte was mind boggling to say the least. Where had I been all my life? Where had anybody been? None of my friends, acquaintances, or relatives were any better informed.
Later I sought books written by late 19th and early 20th Century sociologists to see if they were carrying on in the same collectivist spirit as Comte. They were! Their lust for power over people and events was as great or greater than that of Comte himself. They said such things as:
It is indeed an ambitious conception, this idea of blueprinting the outlines of a truly worthful society for the future and then politicing societal evolution deliberately and intelligently toward that goal. There are those who regard such an ambition as ludicrously impossible. Yet this is the supreme aspiration of social science. ROSS L. FINNEY (1923)
If it were possible to control the learning of all individuals, in the way both of ideas and of emotional attitudes, as they come on the stage of life, it would be possible to modify the whole complex of our social life, or our civilization, within the comparatively short space of one or two generations. CHARLES A. ELLWOOD (1923)
The school is the germ plasm of the higher civilization. Teachers are, therefore, in charge of social selection at the source of origins for each new generation; they can even introduce at will mutations of their own invention. ROSS L. FINNEY (1929)
These men were serious. They were college professors teaching sociological goals and philosophy to their students. But that was only the beginning of what Comte put in motion. The Russian mystic. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, read Comte and incorporated his philosophical thoughts into her Theosophical Society formed in 1875. Annie Besant lectured and wrote about Comte and Bellamy John Dewey worked to adapt education to what Comte and Bellamy recommended. Multimillionaires paid to have sociology included in the curriculum of major colleges. Sociology did not have to be a true science. Money power bought its way into the curriculum.
In grade schools, high schools, and universities students in sociology or social science were taught to expect and work for change toward more cooperation--not knowing that the word, "cooperation" was the collectivist's code word for the less popular word, "socialism." Annie Besant explained this in 'The Theosophist' in February, 1930. She said:
I was giving a number of lectures here a year or two ago. I avoided the word socialism altogether. I always said, "cooperation," and my audiences were delighted with my ideas on cooperation. But it was only socialism under another name! Language is meant to express a thought and I knew if I said socialism you would think communism, and I wanted you to think cooperation. So I preached socialism under the name cooperation, and my audiences liked it.
Many pople, it appears also accept the idea that sociology is a science rather than a philosophy that denies individuality and personality. children(all over the world) are taught a curriculum designed by foundation-financed sociological organizations. Government bureaucracies make huge grants to support sociological education. Yet, there is no way a country can stay free when generation after generation of its children are sociologically schooled for socialism and communism. It is plain stupid to continue the process. History, geography and civics should be returned to the curriculum. Social studies can go the way of alchemy.
Sociology limits learning--That's STUPID! It experiments on people as if they were laboratory animals--That's STUPID! Sociology demands acceptance of destructive and degenerate types of behavior--That's STUPID! Sociology dictates group thinking. That's STUPID! Sociology restricts honest speech. That's STUPID! Sociology attempts to destroy character and personality. That's STUPID! Sociology endorses sexual perversion. That's STUPID! Sociology lies about its goals. That's STUPID! Sociology suggests student protests and violence. That's STUPID! Sociology promotes unmarried pregnancy. That's STUPID! Sociology sanctions lying by elected officials to support sociological goals. That's STUPID! Sociology works to end private ownership of land. That's STUPID! Sociology promotes communist world government. That's STUPID! We have done little to limit the power and influence of sociologists in the classrooms. That's STUPID!
Let's not continue supporting stupidity. Get Rid Of Sociological Stupidity. Think GROSS! It is important to our country's future to Get Rid Of Sociological Stupidity. Get Rid Of School Sociology. Sociology is not, and never has been a science. Get rid of it. Think GROSS!
Monday, February 05, 2007
The Intelligent Student's Guide to the New World Order
What is the New World Order?
The essence of the New World Order (NWO) or world management system is that it is management by social engineers, rather than government based on a written constitution. How you are affected by this management system depends on what the social engineers decide the system should do for you and require of you. The social engineers and system managers think of themselves as scientists applying the scientific method to the control of group behavior. Your behavior and your relationships are regarded as the subject of investigation and control by those who call themselves social scientists. You are among their test animals, and you have no say in, and often no knowledge of, experiments that involve you. If the NWO is totally implemented, your independence, individuality, and freedom will be gone.
There is nothing new about the idea of managing others, or even of controlling the whole world. That has been the goal of social philosophers for thousands of years. However, we need not go back over ancient history. We are concerned primarily with what has been going on in our own generations. This we can understand quite well if we confine ourselves to the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
Goals of the New World Order
To begin to understand the New World Order (NWO) you need to forget what you have been told about philosophical differences between Republicans and Democrats; left and right; Socialists and Libertarians; business and labor; liberal and conservative; black and white, etc.. The planners of the New World Order know they must use, influence, and cater to all of these groups to accomplish the goals they are seeking, which are:
1. Consolidate everything.
2. Commercialize everything.
3. Classify everything.
4. Claim everything.
5. Control everything.
We might call these goals the five Cs of the New World Order. If it is fully empowered, free speech, personality, personal goals and decisions, individual responsibility, private property, private business, morality, Constitutional government, national sovereignty; and religious freedom can no longer be tolerated. Everyone in every country will be subject to the NWO management system. To quote the French mathematician/philosopher, Auguste Comte (1798-1857), one of the most significant early planners of the world management system:
“The most important object of this regenerated polity will be the substitution of Duties for Rights; thus subordinating personal to social considerations. The word Right should be excluded from political language, as the word Cause from the language of philosophy. ”
“The only real life is the collective life of the race; individual life has no existence except as an abstraction.”
He also wrote:
“When the system is fully regulated, the effect of this will be to secure greater unity, by diminishing the influence of personal character.”
This means that to the NWO world management system planners you, as an individual, are considered to be without character or personality. Your personal life and personal goals are unimportant to them, unless those goals are consistent with the sociological, economic and religious goals of the New World Order.
Public Schools and The New World Order
To demonstrate how NWO sociological, economic and religious goals are being brought about we can look first at the public schools. Most students and parents think the purpose of public schools is to teach essential and interesting information, vocational and recreational skills, considerate and responsible behavior and an appreciation of our country’s history and Constitution. After your formal education is over, your parents expect that you should be able to take responsibility for your own moral, material, and social well-being, and also the moral, material, and social well-being of any children you might have until they, too, are ready to claim such freedom for themselves.
At one time the goal of those who planned the school curriculum in the local communities seemed to follow the wishes of parents and the needs of students. Now, however, those sociologists who have the power to affect policy in the public schools do not concern themselves with what you need, what your parents want for you, or with respect and support for the United States Constitution. Their primary goals are to CONSOLIDATE policies, COMMERCIALIZE instruction, CLASSIFY individuals, CLAIM jurisdiction, establish CONTROL, and train you to fit obediently into their world management system without hesitation or protest. In 1928, sociologist Ross L. Finney wrote:
“A new world is emerging in which the social structures will be of a different shape, the social resources of a different scope and caliber, than anything that history records. It is a new deal - in fact a different game with different cards; and we who are now alive are privileged to witness its beginning, however blind most of us may be to its implications for ourselves and our posterity. And for a new age, a new school!”
National Council for the Social Studies
An organization called the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), which is an offshoot of the National Education Association and a promoter of the New World Order, has CLAIMED power to determine what you should learn and what you should not learn in geography, history, government, economics, psychology, religion, world politics, etc.. These subjects were CONSOLIDATED decades ago by sociologists so they could present them together under one agenda called Social Studies. The leaders of NCSS now decide what you should be taught, how you should be taught, and how your achievement will be evaluated.
In addition to the National Council for the Social Studies, the various states have state councils for the social studies. Through the efforts of state councils - oftentimes with the aid of the Education Commission of the States - bills are presented to state legislatures to make NCSS’s curriculum standards legal requirements. After these standards are passed in your state, your local school board, your own teachers and your parents have little to say about what you should be expected to learn in these subjects. If you, your school, or community have different standards; if you do not try to live up to NCSS’s standards for the New World Order, your schools can be closed or your community punished by depriving it of federal, foundation and state money.
Grouping People to Control Them
It is interesting to investigate how this takeover was accomplished. Like everything connected to the New World Order and the five Cs, CONTROL is accomplished by influencing groups, and most particularly group leaders. This is because people who are emotionally involved with groups respond to leadership. They also tend to feel CLASS loyalty. For example, when your elected officials CONSOLIDATE into groups and meet with elected officials from other areas, they frequently get carried away by the oratory and comradeship. Although they may not understand the full implications of the ideas the carefully-selected speakers and facilitators promote, the officials are maneuvered into feeling obligated to support what the group supports. By giving their loyalty to these secondary groups, the officials frequently betray the primary loyalty they owe to you and the citizens of the states, cities and counties they are supposed to serve. CONTROL of government officials, educators, congressmen, legislators, businessmen, city councils, school boards, etc. through organizations is part of the NWO plan for substitution of its system for the U.S. Constitution.
Through CONSOLIDATION into national or international ‘blanket’ organizations, one person or a small group of people can make decisions and set goals for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. They can set goals for you if you do not object. Always remember, whoever sets your goals or presents you with what they call a vision or a mission, CONTROLS your behavior. You had better understand fully any such commitment you are asked to make.
Goal-Setting, Political Management
Setting goals, and designing visions and missions for groups of people is one of the favorite preoccupations of the New World Order philosophers and managers. In education, goal setting and visioning serve to CONSOLIDATE policies so the NWO/NCSS curriculum can be established in schools throughout the country. When you hear someone who uses the phrase, “We must. . .” or variations of it such as, “We need to. . .”, “It is essential that we. . .”, etc, without adding, “if we wish to . . ,” there is a pretty fair chance that person is trying to convince you to give up the idea of independent research and thinking so you will support whatever program or goals he or she might be promoting.
It is unfortunate that few of our congressmen, state, county, and city legislators have been alert enough to detect the behavior management and CONTROL that have been directed toward them. Many of them have been deceived, flattered, coerced, bribed or blackmailed into surrendering their legitimate authority to New World Order decision makers. This, too, was planned. In 1906, sociologist Lester Ward explained how NWO legislation could be achieved:
“It must not be supposed that such legislation can be conducted to any considerable extent in the open sessions of legislative bodies. These will doubtless need to be maintained, and every new law should be finally adopted by a vote of such bodies, but more and more this will become a merely formal way of putting the final sanction of society on decisions that have been carefully worked out in what may be called the sociological laboratory.”
Goals 2000 - Control is the Object
Most of the governors of the United States are members of the National Governors' Association. They have national meetings to CONSOLIDATE their policy decisions. In 1990, a policy was declared to promote the adoption of national educational goals. The Republican Bush Administration had endorsed the idea in 1989. Multinational corporations and the U. S. Chamber of Commerce supported it. Then, in 1994, Congress (Democrats and Republicans) passed and funded the Goals 2000: Educate America Act.
Originally, social studies was not included, but the NCSS saw to it that social studies was annexed to the national agenda. Its leaders appointed a task force to develop CONSOLIDATED curriculum standards. These were later adopted in most states as part of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. Eight goals were chosen and publicized. The eight educational goals of Goals 2000 were not the important part of this operation. Any goals that sounded good, along with the money promised, could have enticed governors and state legislators to pass enabling legislation in their states. The real goals of Goals 2000 are to CONSOLIDATE leadership over all the states; CLAIM jurisdiction over curriculum to CONTROL what you and other students learn; and eventually to COMMERCIALIZE and CONTROL all educational resources through the use of charter schools and culture vouchers.
It is no surprise to find now that the eight publicized goals have not been reached - and will not be reached by the Year 2000. Does this mean that CONSOLIDATED goal-setting and visioning will be discontinued? On the contrary! To the goal-setters it means merely that the Goals 2000: Educate America should be renamed, America’s Education Goals, and should be extended beyond 2000 without a specific deadline. Even when failure is obvious and promises are not fulfilled, CONTROL, once gained, is never willingly relinquished by the NWO and United Nations regional government promoters.
Failures of Public Schools
In recent decades, public education has been subjected to a great deal of criticism. Because schools and curriculum have been interfered with by those who promote the NWO world management system, students were not learning what their parents, potential employers, and the students themselves, knew they ought to learn. Skill in reading, natural science, English, mathematics, foreign languages were dismally lacking in many high schools, and even college graduates. All kinds of excuses have been brought forward such as:
* The problem is with your parents because they do not take an interest in your schooling
* The problem is with you and other students because you do not work hard enough or take an interest in learning
* The schools are not using the right system of teaching. We need to experiment with new systems
* The problem is not enough money for education. If schools had more money they would produce better results
* The problem is segregation. We need to bus for integration
* Classrooms are overcrowded. We need more teachers
* Public schools should have tax-supported competition. We need charter schools and school vouchers
And so it has gone for decades.
Enemies of Learning
Few of the explainers have revealed the possibility that you are not being properly taught because the NWO world management system does not want you to know too much. In his book, A Sociological Philosophy of Education, published in 1928 by the MacMillan Company, Ross L. Finney, Assistant Professor of Educational Sociology at the University of Minnesota, wrote the following about what should and should not be offered to students:
“...a larger place in the curriculum ought to be given to the new humanities and the fine arts, especially the former; and that correspondingly less time and energy ought to be allotted to mathematics, formal English, and the foreign languages...”
“What we obviously need is a science of society. Since the time of [Auguste] Comte this has been the aspiration of modern scholarship. Instead of blundering and bungling along from one crisis to the next, science might render society really telic, and reduce social phenomena to CONTROL as it has done in the natural world....” (Emphasis mine)
“If leadership by the intelligent is ever to be achieved, followership by the dull and ignorant must somehow be assured. Followership, quite as much as leadership, is, therefore, the crucial problem of the present crisis...”
“The safety of democracy is not to be sought, therefore, in the intellectual independence of the duller masses, but in their Intellectual dependence. Not in what they think, but in what they think they think...”
“The problem of democracy is which specialized sub-group is to function as cerebral cortex. That will depend upon who succeeds in drilling epigrams into the memories of the duller masses. If scientists and educators fail to do it, then selfish deceivers and exploiters will. But think for themselves the duller masses never can.”
Those of us who do not agree with sociologists like Ross L. Finney are CLASSIFIED as selfish deceivers, exploiters, or members of the duller masses. NWO usurpers have nothing but contempt for us and our need to learn. Many parents, teachers, administrators, legislators and state governors, etc. have been taken in by the NWO agenda. There is little chance that your state and school are independent of NWO management system. Therefore, it is important that you begin to recognize enemies of learning even when they have college educations, advanced degrees, university, government and foundation support, and all the preplanned publicity they need to try to impress those of us whom they consider to be selfish deceivers, exploiters or the duller masses.
Goals Statement for Schools
You should understand that those who seek to CONTROL your education in order to limit your access to knowledge are not doing it because they love or respect you, but because they want to CLAIM and CONTROL you. The more you know about their goals and techniques, the easier it becomes to recognize efforts to CONTROL your thoughts. The more you know about history, geography, mathematics, English, science, etc. the more power you have to defend yourself against falsehood, deceit and domination.
By establishing goals, missions, and visions, the NCSS has found a way to limit knowledge in all subjects. I remind you, he who chooses your goals controls your behavior. The social studies goal statement that has been chosen by the National Council for the Social Studies and adopted in similar, and sometimes identical form by the states is:
“...to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.”
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
To most people this sounds good, but please notice that it is all about politics and world CONSOLIDATION. Nothing is mentioned about what is good for you, about giving you the knowledge to make intelligent fact-base personal decisions, about helping you to prepare for a career of your own choice. Nothing is mentioned about what is good for your city, your county, your state, or the United States of America. No - you are treated as a dependent member of the New World Order’s interdependent world. Interdependence means CONTROL by sociology’s New World Order and loss of control over your own destiny.
Curriculum goals, guidelines, and standards for states and local communities are patterned after those of the NCSS and United Nations NWO. In all cases, the curriculum is based on the idea of rational problem-solving and decision-making, and on what the NWO crowd calls interdependence. You are asked to make decisions related to pre-selected social problems based on the limited information available through classroom assignments.
In this regard, it is important to know another behavior control fact. He who states the problem for you controls your thinking. Your thoughts and efforts are directed toward problems which have been selected for you. When you express an opinion about suggested social or personal problems, you accept the NWO agenda and acknowledge an obligation to share your thoughts on the problems with classmates. You can then be CLASSIFIED or grouped according to your public statements.
Limiting Knowledge - Demanding Opinions
Time spent learning facts and skills can be limited when it is taken up listening to and arguing about one another’s uninformed opinions. Also, a special danger is involved in this problem-solving, decision-making type of education. You and your fellow students are encouraged to join groups and act immediately based on the opinions you express in the cIassroom - never taking into consideration that your opinions and decisions may change as you mature and have access to information from other sources.
If you express the opinion that you would like to try drugs or engage in sexual activities; if you say you might steal or become violent; teachers are instructed not to warn you against such behavior or tell you that your decision is wrong or dangerous. That, say the curriculum planners, would be judgmental.
No Right - No Wrong - Rational Conscience
It is assumed that none of the problems or personal dilemmas presented can be prevented or solved by self control and moral behavior. How do curriculum planners justify this omission? Your teachers are told that any statement regarding morality is considered to be an unexamined belief based on authority. The National Council for the Social Studies says decision-making should be what they call rational, rather than being based on authority or conscience. For example, in Wisconsin teachers were advised:
“A child generally comes to school with what R. J. Havighurst calls an authoritarian conscience acquired from his parents through a progression of punishments and rewards. He soon learns that he is not equipped to deal with all the new situations which confront him. Peers and teachers join and sometimes supplant parents in helping him to find solutions which are often in conflict with those offered by his parents. His task, then, is to change from this early authoritarian conscience to a rational one. This requires that he learn a process for resolving to his own satisfaction the conflicts that will inevitably arise whenever change or confrontation with an opposing view makes him question his existing values.” [11]
Decisions Based on Conscience Not Allowed
When you are taught to doubt your own conscience in favor of rational decision-making, many types of destructive, obnoxious, and immoral behavior will no longer be objectionable to you. You learn to find reasons to justify whatever behavior might have emotional appeal. Unbelievable as it may seem, teachers in Wisconsin actually were warned against holding students to traditional high standards:
“Traditionally there was little question that the schools should promote such values as the following:
1. Respect Property.
2. Be respectful of adults.
3. Say please and thank you at appropriate times.
4. Do not use profane language or bad grammar.
5. Be neat and clean.
6. Do not lie or cheat.
Now, however, in some situations these are quite controversial. Many lawsuits and community controversies have focused on the meaning of “ and clean,” for example. Several recent surveys indicate that cheating in school, rather than being unacceptable, has become the norm, and most students feel no guilt about cheating. Standards of profanity are constantly changing and words that one rarely heard used in public a few years ago are now heard a great deal. While many may not like these developments, it is very necessary for teachers to recognize that they are taking place.”
Teachers Are Intimidated By The NWO
Knowing what you now know about the goals of the New World Order, you can understand that the above instruction to teachers could be taken as a veiled threat, better not telling them they had better not criticize the behaviors mentioned. Doing so might make them vulnerable to law suits, or perhaps, discipline by their superiors. Thus, the Wisconsin Department of Public instruction, following the guidelines of the NCSS, actually promoted the idea that it is acceptable for you and your fellow students to be thieving, disrespectful, ungrateful, profanity-using, sloppy, and dirty lying cheaters who have no conscience, and therefore no feelings of guilt for such behavior. The United Nations New World Order does not need people of character. It needs only those who are pliable and manageable.
Creating Problems
Problem creation is another unbelievable aspect of NWO education. According to the NCSS, one of the main duties of teachers is to create emotional problems for you:
“Any attempt by a teacher to create a problem without arousing students emotionally can only result in a pseudo-problem. When students are disturbed, upset, perhaps even angry, they are closer to having a problem than is ever the case when teachers make the preservation of objectivity their only concern. A teacher can sometimes create in students a feeling that their beliefs, concepts or values are inadequate in some respect. When students are puzzled over what to believe, they are more likely to have an authentic problem in their possession...
If the student is to become engaged in problem-solving he must be doubtful, uncertain or puzzled concerning something within his experience and have the desire through inquiry to remove the doubt. As long as he is certain of the truth or goodness of a particular idea or action, or as long as he is unconcerned, indifferent about the matter, he is not involved in problem-solving. Hence, the initial task confronting the teacher is that of creating the state of uncertainty or doubt in the mind of the student. . .the teacher must implant the element of doubt.
Strategies Used to Create Problems
Since the presence of the element of doubt or puzzlement is a necessary condition for the initiation of problem-solving activity, let us consider teaching strategies which are likely to evoke such reactions...
* ...The teacher can present the students with a problem within the context of the content.
* ...The teacher can encourage the students to discover a problem within the context of the content.
* ...The teacher can convert the unexamined beliefs of students into problems.
* ...The teacher can point up conflicts within the students’ pattern of beliefs, thus creating problems.
* ...The teacher can point up conflicts within the course content, thus creating problems.
Teaching problem-solving, decision-making, and interdependence may have sounded good to many teachers, school board members, local curriculum coordinators, legislators, parents, and students. However, if they had the opportunity to read the above, and what the NCSS curriculum planners mean when they promote this type of education, all of those affected might be more hesitant before giving their sanction.
Changing Beliefs
Remember, the NWO planners and managers want CONTROL, but they know for certain that they cannot make you go along with their plans if you are aware of their intentions and if you are firmly convinced that to do so would be wrong. That is why so many methods have been devised to help you question or change your mind about what you believe.
If the New World Order is to succeed in reaching its goals, Judaism and Christianity are among the religions which have to be eliminated. People who are guided by the Bible, the Ten Commandments and what the Bible teaches about God, cannot be depended upon to be totally dedicated to the sociological goals of a world management system. They cannot be intimidated into exchanging morals and conscience for sociological goals. This is why the system does not tolerate competition. Its own Positive religion or religion of Humanity must prevail. Sociology’s founder, Auguste Comte, wrote:
“By speaking of Positivism as organic, we imply that it has a social purpose; that purpose being to supersede Theology in the spiritual direction of the human race.”
“Sociology is once for all substituted for Theology as the basis for the religious government of mankind.”
“The last step in this long course of training is now establishing the true form of subjectivity by substitution of Sociology for Theology.”
In 1929, Ross L. Finney was among those working on a new morality for the managed society. He wrote:
“Nor can the new regime be operated with the beliefs of the old regime. . .As for the ideals by which we live, they too must be thought out de novo, and built into an adequate and effective new system of moral education.”
The End of Freedom
The NWO management system’s moral education has nothing to do with freedom or the principles and ideals on which our nation was founded. The late B. F. Skinner, a Harvard University psychologist, put it this way:
“The hypothesis that man is NOT FREE is essential to the application of scientific method to the study of human behavior.”
If you do not want to be a sociologically-controlled and semi-ignorant member of the United Nations New World Order, you need to recognize the importance of knowledge and reject attempts at emotional manipulation and knowledge limitation. The problem-solving and decision-making system of education uses you, plays on your emotions, and tries to alienate you from those who should be closest to you. It creates animosity between you and your classmates; wastes valuable learning time by forcing you to form opinions and listen to the uninformed opinions of your classmates; and discourages intelligent and moral behavior. It turns you against your own country and its Constitution in favor of the United Nations' New World Order management system.
What Can You Do?
Learn to recognize when you are being used, rather than informed. Learn to recognize when you are being led astray. Be like a conscientious researcher and reporter. Do not be afraid to ask probing questions whenever you have doubts about the philosophy behind educational projects, exercises and games, especially if they seem to you to be totally useless or destructive.
If you are to have any hope of keeping the gift of freedom with which you've been blessed, you must know and share the truth. If you have concerns about your education, share them with your parents. Few parents have any idea what goes on in school. It is their responsibility to find out, and your responsibility to help them.
You are not a test animal created to serve the ambition of social scientists and world managers. Do not allow your education to be limited and corrupted as if all you needed was to be trained in obedience to the system of the unConstitutional New World Order.
And remember, if you truly desire it, all knowledge is yours:
“Ask, and it shalt be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shalt be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
- Matthew 7:7,8~
The essence of the New World Order (NWO) or world management system is that it is management by social engineers, rather than government based on a written constitution. How you are affected by this management system depends on what the social engineers decide the system should do for you and require of you. The social engineers and system managers think of themselves as scientists applying the scientific method to the control of group behavior. Your behavior and your relationships are regarded as the subject of investigation and control by those who call themselves social scientists. You are among their test animals, and you have no say in, and often no knowledge of, experiments that involve you. If the NWO is totally implemented, your independence, individuality, and freedom will be gone.
There is nothing new about the idea of managing others, or even of controlling the whole world. That has been the goal of social philosophers for thousands of years. However, we need not go back over ancient history. We are concerned primarily with what has been going on in our own generations. This we can understand quite well if we confine ourselves to the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
Goals of the New World Order
To begin to understand the New World Order (NWO) you need to forget what you have been told about philosophical differences between Republicans and Democrats; left and right; Socialists and Libertarians; business and labor; liberal and conservative; black and white, etc.. The planners of the New World Order know they must use, influence, and cater to all of these groups to accomplish the goals they are seeking, which are:
1. Consolidate everything.
2. Commercialize everything.
3. Classify everything.
4. Claim everything.
5. Control everything.
We might call these goals the five Cs of the New World Order. If it is fully empowered, free speech, personality, personal goals and decisions, individual responsibility, private property, private business, morality, Constitutional government, national sovereignty; and religious freedom can no longer be tolerated. Everyone in every country will be subject to the NWO management system. To quote the French mathematician/philosopher, Auguste Comte (1798-1857), one of the most significant early planners of the world management system:
“The most important object of this regenerated polity will be the substitution of Duties for Rights; thus subordinating personal to social considerations. The word Right should be excluded from political language, as the word Cause from the language of philosophy. ”
“The only real life is the collective life of the race; individual life has no existence except as an abstraction.”
He also wrote:
“When the system is fully regulated, the effect of this will be to secure greater unity, by diminishing the influence of personal character.”
This means that to the NWO world management system planners you, as an individual, are considered to be without character or personality. Your personal life and personal goals are unimportant to them, unless those goals are consistent with the sociological, economic and religious goals of the New World Order.
Public Schools and The New World Order
To demonstrate how NWO sociological, economic and religious goals are being brought about we can look first at the public schools. Most students and parents think the purpose of public schools is to teach essential and interesting information, vocational and recreational skills, considerate and responsible behavior and an appreciation of our country’s history and Constitution. After your formal education is over, your parents expect that you should be able to take responsibility for your own moral, material, and social well-being, and also the moral, material, and social well-being of any children you might have until they, too, are ready to claim such freedom for themselves.
At one time the goal of those who planned the school curriculum in the local communities seemed to follow the wishes of parents and the needs of students. Now, however, those sociologists who have the power to affect policy in the public schools do not concern themselves with what you need, what your parents want for you, or with respect and support for the United States Constitution. Their primary goals are to CONSOLIDATE policies, COMMERCIALIZE instruction, CLASSIFY individuals, CLAIM jurisdiction, establish CONTROL, and train you to fit obediently into their world management system without hesitation or protest. In 1928, sociologist Ross L. Finney wrote:
“A new world is emerging in which the social structures will be of a different shape, the social resources of a different scope and caliber, than anything that history records. It is a new deal - in fact a different game with different cards; and we who are now alive are privileged to witness its beginning, however blind most of us may be to its implications for ourselves and our posterity. And for a new age, a new school!”
National Council for the Social Studies
An organization called the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), which is an offshoot of the National Education Association and a promoter of the New World Order, has CLAIMED power to determine what you should learn and what you should not learn in geography, history, government, economics, psychology, religion, world politics, etc.. These subjects were CONSOLIDATED decades ago by sociologists so they could present them together under one agenda called Social Studies. The leaders of NCSS now decide what you should be taught, how you should be taught, and how your achievement will be evaluated.
In addition to the National Council for the Social Studies, the various states have state councils for the social studies. Through the efforts of state councils - oftentimes with the aid of the Education Commission of the States - bills are presented to state legislatures to make NCSS’s curriculum standards legal requirements. After these standards are passed in your state, your local school board, your own teachers and your parents have little to say about what you should be expected to learn in these subjects. If you, your school, or community have different standards; if you do not try to live up to NCSS’s standards for the New World Order, your schools can be closed or your community punished by depriving it of federal, foundation and state money.
Grouping People to Control Them
It is interesting to investigate how this takeover was accomplished. Like everything connected to the New World Order and the five Cs, CONTROL is accomplished by influencing groups, and most particularly group leaders. This is because people who are emotionally involved with groups respond to leadership. They also tend to feel CLASS loyalty. For example, when your elected officials CONSOLIDATE into groups and meet with elected officials from other areas, they frequently get carried away by the oratory and comradeship. Although they may not understand the full implications of the ideas the carefully-selected speakers and facilitators promote, the officials are maneuvered into feeling obligated to support what the group supports. By giving their loyalty to these secondary groups, the officials frequently betray the primary loyalty they owe to you and the citizens of the states, cities and counties they are supposed to serve. CONTROL of government officials, educators, congressmen, legislators, businessmen, city councils, school boards, etc. through organizations is part of the NWO plan for substitution of its system for the U.S. Constitution.
Through CONSOLIDATION into national or international ‘blanket’ organizations, one person or a small group of people can make decisions and set goals for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. They can set goals for you if you do not object. Always remember, whoever sets your goals or presents you with what they call a vision or a mission, CONTROLS your behavior. You had better understand fully any such commitment you are asked to make.
Goal-Setting, Political Management
Setting goals, and designing visions and missions for groups of people is one of the favorite preoccupations of the New World Order philosophers and managers. In education, goal setting and visioning serve to CONSOLIDATE policies so the NWO/NCSS curriculum can be established in schools throughout the country. When you hear someone who uses the phrase, “We must. . .” or variations of it such as, “We need to. . .”, “It is essential that we. . .”, etc, without adding, “if we wish to . . ,” there is a pretty fair chance that person is trying to convince you to give up the idea of independent research and thinking so you will support whatever program or goals he or she might be promoting.
It is unfortunate that few of our congressmen, state, county, and city legislators have been alert enough to detect the behavior management and CONTROL that have been directed toward them. Many of them have been deceived, flattered, coerced, bribed or blackmailed into surrendering their legitimate authority to New World Order decision makers. This, too, was planned. In 1906, sociologist Lester Ward explained how NWO legislation could be achieved:
“It must not be supposed that such legislation can be conducted to any considerable extent in the open sessions of legislative bodies. These will doubtless need to be maintained, and every new law should be finally adopted by a vote of such bodies, but more and more this will become a merely formal way of putting the final sanction of society on decisions that have been carefully worked out in what may be called the sociological laboratory.”
Goals 2000 - Control is the Object
Most of the governors of the United States are members of the National Governors' Association. They have national meetings to CONSOLIDATE their policy decisions. In 1990, a policy was declared to promote the adoption of national educational goals. The Republican Bush Administration had endorsed the idea in 1989. Multinational corporations and the U. S. Chamber of Commerce supported it. Then, in 1994, Congress (Democrats and Republicans) passed and funded the Goals 2000: Educate America Act.
Originally, social studies was not included, but the NCSS saw to it that social studies was annexed to the national agenda. Its leaders appointed a task force to develop CONSOLIDATED curriculum standards. These were later adopted in most states as part of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. Eight goals were chosen and publicized. The eight educational goals of Goals 2000 were not the important part of this operation. Any goals that sounded good, along with the money promised, could have enticed governors and state legislators to pass enabling legislation in their states. The real goals of Goals 2000 are to CONSOLIDATE leadership over all the states; CLAIM jurisdiction over curriculum to CONTROL what you and other students learn; and eventually to COMMERCIALIZE and CONTROL all educational resources through the use of charter schools and culture vouchers.
It is no surprise to find now that the eight publicized goals have not been reached - and will not be reached by the Year 2000. Does this mean that CONSOLIDATED goal-setting and visioning will be discontinued? On the contrary! To the goal-setters it means merely that the Goals 2000: Educate America should be renamed, America’s Education Goals, and should be extended beyond 2000 without a specific deadline. Even when failure is obvious and promises are not fulfilled, CONTROL, once gained, is never willingly relinquished by the NWO and United Nations regional government promoters.
Failures of Public Schools
In recent decades, public education has been subjected to a great deal of criticism. Because schools and curriculum have been interfered with by those who promote the NWO world management system, students were not learning what their parents, potential employers, and the students themselves, knew they ought to learn. Skill in reading, natural science, English, mathematics, foreign languages were dismally lacking in many high schools, and even college graduates. All kinds of excuses have been brought forward such as:
* The problem is with your parents because they do not take an interest in your schooling
* The problem is with you and other students because you do not work hard enough or take an interest in learning
* The schools are not using the right system of teaching. We need to experiment with new systems
* The problem is not enough money for education. If schools had more money they would produce better results
* The problem is segregation. We need to bus for integration
* Classrooms are overcrowded. We need more teachers
* Public schools should have tax-supported competition. We need charter schools and school vouchers
And so it has gone for decades.
Enemies of Learning
Few of the explainers have revealed the possibility that you are not being properly taught because the NWO world management system does not want you to know too much. In his book, A Sociological Philosophy of Education, published in 1928 by the MacMillan Company, Ross L. Finney, Assistant Professor of Educational Sociology at the University of Minnesota, wrote the following about what should and should not be offered to students:
“...a larger place in the curriculum ought to be given to the new humanities and the fine arts, especially the former; and that correspondingly less time and energy ought to be allotted to mathematics, formal English, and the foreign languages...”
“What we obviously need is a science of society. Since the time of [Auguste] Comte this has been the aspiration of modern scholarship. Instead of blundering and bungling along from one crisis to the next, science might render society really telic, and reduce social phenomena to CONTROL as it has done in the natural world....” (Emphasis mine)
“If leadership by the intelligent is ever to be achieved, followership by the dull and ignorant must somehow be assured. Followership, quite as much as leadership, is, therefore, the crucial problem of the present crisis...”
“The safety of democracy is not to be sought, therefore, in the intellectual independence of the duller masses, but in their Intellectual dependence. Not in what they think, but in what they think they think...”
“The problem of democracy is which specialized sub-group is to function as cerebral cortex. That will depend upon who succeeds in drilling epigrams into the memories of the duller masses. If scientists and educators fail to do it, then selfish deceivers and exploiters will. But think for themselves the duller masses never can.”
Those of us who do not agree with sociologists like Ross L. Finney are CLASSIFIED as selfish deceivers, exploiters, or members of the duller masses. NWO usurpers have nothing but contempt for us and our need to learn. Many parents, teachers, administrators, legislators and state governors, etc. have been taken in by the NWO agenda. There is little chance that your state and school are independent of NWO management system. Therefore, it is important that you begin to recognize enemies of learning even when they have college educations, advanced degrees, university, government and foundation support, and all the preplanned publicity they need to try to impress those of us whom they consider to be selfish deceivers, exploiters or the duller masses.
Goals Statement for Schools
You should understand that those who seek to CONTROL your education in order to limit your access to knowledge are not doing it because they love or respect you, but because they want to CLAIM and CONTROL you. The more you know about their goals and techniques, the easier it becomes to recognize efforts to CONTROL your thoughts. The more you know about history, geography, mathematics, English, science, etc. the more power you have to defend yourself against falsehood, deceit and domination.
By establishing goals, missions, and visions, the NCSS has found a way to limit knowledge in all subjects. I remind you, he who chooses your goals controls your behavior. The social studies goal statement that has been chosen by the National Council for the Social Studies and adopted in similar, and sometimes identical form by the states is:
“...to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.”
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
To most people this sounds good, but please notice that it is all about politics and world CONSOLIDATION. Nothing is mentioned about what is good for you, about giving you the knowledge to make intelligent fact-base personal decisions, about helping you to prepare for a career of your own choice. Nothing is mentioned about what is good for your city, your county, your state, or the United States of America. No - you are treated as a dependent member of the New World Order’s interdependent world. Interdependence means CONTROL by sociology’s New World Order and loss of control over your own destiny.
Curriculum goals, guidelines, and standards for states and local communities are patterned after those of the NCSS and United Nations NWO. In all cases, the curriculum is based on the idea of rational problem-solving and decision-making, and on what the NWO crowd calls interdependence. You are asked to make decisions related to pre-selected social problems based on the limited information available through classroom assignments.
In this regard, it is important to know another behavior control fact. He who states the problem for you controls your thinking. Your thoughts and efforts are directed toward problems which have been selected for you. When you express an opinion about suggested social or personal problems, you accept the NWO agenda and acknowledge an obligation to share your thoughts on the problems with classmates. You can then be CLASSIFIED or grouped according to your public statements.
Limiting Knowledge - Demanding Opinions
Time spent learning facts and skills can be limited when it is taken up listening to and arguing about one another’s uninformed opinions. Also, a special danger is involved in this problem-solving, decision-making type of education. You and your fellow students are encouraged to join groups and act immediately based on the opinions you express in the cIassroom - never taking into consideration that your opinions and decisions may change as you mature and have access to information from other sources.
If you express the opinion that you would like to try drugs or engage in sexual activities; if you say you might steal or become violent; teachers are instructed not to warn you against such behavior or tell you that your decision is wrong or dangerous. That, say the curriculum planners, would be judgmental.
No Right - No Wrong - Rational Conscience
It is assumed that none of the problems or personal dilemmas presented can be prevented or solved by self control and moral behavior. How do curriculum planners justify this omission? Your teachers are told that any statement regarding morality is considered to be an unexamined belief based on authority. The National Council for the Social Studies says decision-making should be what they call rational, rather than being based on authority or conscience. For example, in Wisconsin teachers were advised:
“A child generally comes to school with what R. J. Havighurst calls an authoritarian conscience acquired from his parents through a progression of punishments and rewards. He soon learns that he is not equipped to deal with all the new situations which confront him. Peers and teachers join and sometimes supplant parents in helping him to find solutions which are often in conflict with those offered by his parents. His task, then, is to change from this early authoritarian conscience to a rational one. This requires that he learn a process for resolving to his own satisfaction the conflicts that will inevitably arise whenever change or confrontation with an opposing view makes him question his existing values.” [11]
Decisions Based on Conscience Not Allowed
When you are taught to doubt your own conscience in favor of rational decision-making, many types of destructive, obnoxious, and immoral behavior will no longer be objectionable to you. You learn to find reasons to justify whatever behavior might have emotional appeal. Unbelievable as it may seem, teachers in Wisconsin actually were warned against holding students to traditional high standards:
“Traditionally there was little question that the schools should promote such values as the following:
1. Respect Property.
2. Be respectful of adults.
3. Say please and thank you at appropriate times.
4. Do not use profane language or bad grammar.
5. Be neat and clean.
6. Do not lie or cheat.
Now, however, in some situations these are quite controversial. Many lawsuits and community controversies have focused on the meaning of “ and clean,” for example. Several recent surveys indicate that cheating in school, rather than being unacceptable, has become the norm, and most students feel no guilt about cheating. Standards of profanity are constantly changing and words that one rarely heard used in public a few years ago are now heard a great deal. While many may not like these developments, it is very necessary for teachers to recognize that they are taking place.”
Teachers Are Intimidated By The NWO
Knowing what you now know about the goals of the New World Order, you can understand that the above instruction to teachers could be taken as a veiled threat, better not telling them they had better not criticize the behaviors mentioned. Doing so might make them vulnerable to law suits, or perhaps, discipline by their superiors. Thus, the Wisconsin Department of Public instruction, following the guidelines of the NCSS, actually promoted the idea that it is acceptable for you and your fellow students to be thieving, disrespectful, ungrateful, profanity-using, sloppy, and dirty lying cheaters who have no conscience, and therefore no feelings of guilt for such behavior. The United Nations New World Order does not need people of character. It needs only those who are pliable and manageable.
Creating Problems
Problem creation is another unbelievable aspect of NWO education. According to the NCSS, one of the main duties of teachers is to create emotional problems for you:
“Any attempt by a teacher to create a problem without arousing students emotionally can only result in a pseudo-problem. When students are disturbed, upset, perhaps even angry, they are closer to having a problem than is ever the case when teachers make the preservation of objectivity their only concern. A teacher can sometimes create in students a feeling that their beliefs, concepts or values are inadequate in some respect. When students are puzzled over what to believe, they are more likely to have an authentic problem in their possession...
If the student is to become engaged in problem-solving he must be doubtful, uncertain or puzzled concerning something within his experience and have the desire through inquiry to remove the doubt. As long as he is certain of the truth or goodness of a particular idea or action, or as long as he is unconcerned, indifferent about the matter, he is not involved in problem-solving. Hence, the initial task confronting the teacher is that of creating the state of uncertainty or doubt in the mind of the student. . .the teacher must implant the element of doubt.
Strategies Used to Create Problems
Since the presence of the element of doubt or puzzlement is a necessary condition for the initiation of problem-solving activity, let us consider teaching strategies which are likely to evoke such reactions...
* ...The teacher can present the students with a problem within the context of the content.
* ...The teacher can encourage the students to discover a problem within the context of the content.
* ...The teacher can convert the unexamined beliefs of students into problems.
* ...The teacher can point up conflicts within the students’ pattern of beliefs, thus creating problems.
* ...The teacher can point up conflicts within the course content, thus creating problems.
Teaching problem-solving, decision-making, and interdependence may have sounded good to many teachers, school board members, local curriculum coordinators, legislators, parents, and students. However, if they had the opportunity to read the above, and what the NCSS curriculum planners mean when they promote this type of education, all of those affected might be more hesitant before giving their sanction.
Changing Beliefs
Remember, the NWO planners and managers want CONTROL, but they know for certain that they cannot make you go along with their plans if you are aware of their intentions and if you are firmly convinced that to do so would be wrong. That is why so many methods have been devised to help you question or change your mind about what you believe.
If the New World Order is to succeed in reaching its goals, Judaism and Christianity are among the religions which have to be eliminated. People who are guided by the Bible, the Ten Commandments and what the Bible teaches about God, cannot be depended upon to be totally dedicated to the sociological goals of a world management system. They cannot be intimidated into exchanging morals and conscience for sociological goals. This is why the system does not tolerate competition. Its own Positive religion or religion of Humanity must prevail. Sociology’s founder, Auguste Comte, wrote:
“By speaking of Positivism as organic, we imply that it has a social purpose; that purpose being to supersede Theology in the spiritual direction of the human race.”
“Sociology is once for all substituted for Theology as the basis for the religious government of mankind.”
“The last step in this long course of training is now establishing the true form of subjectivity by substitution of Sociology for Theology.”
In 1929, Ross L. Finney was among those working on a new morality for the managed society. He wrote:
“Nor can the new regime be operated with the beliefs of the old regime. . .As for the ideals by which we live, they too must be thought out de novo, and built into an adequate and effective new system of moral education.”
The End of Freedom
The NWO management system’s moral education has nothing to do with freedom or the principles and ideals on which our nation was founded. The late B. F. Skinner, a Harvard University psychologist, put it this way:
“The hypothesis that man is NOT FREE is essential to the application of scientific method to the study of human behavior.”
If you do not want to be a sociologically-controlled and semi-ignorant member of the United Nations New World Order, you need to recognize the importance of knowledge and reject attempts at emotional manipulation and knowledge limitation. The problem-solving and decision-making system of education uses you, plays on your emotions, and tries to alienate you from those who should be closest to you. It creates animosity between you and your classmates; wastes valuable learning time by forcing you to form opinions and listen to the uninformed opinions of your classmates; and discourages intelligent and moral behavior. It turns you against your own country and its Constitution in favor of the United Nations' New World Order management system.
What Can You Do?
Learn to recognize when you are being used, rather than informed. Learn to recognize when you are being led astray. Be like a conscientious researcher and reporter. Do not be afraid to ask probing questions whenever you have doubts about the philosophy behind educational projects, exercises and games, especially if they seem to you to be totally useless or destructive.
If you are to have any hope of keeping the gift of freedom with which you've been blessed, you must know and share the truth. If you have concerns about your education, share them with your parents. Few parents have any idea what goes on in school. It is their responsibility to find out, and your responsibility to help them.
You are not a test animal created to serve the ambition of social scientists and world managers. Do not allow your education to be limited and corrupted as if all you needed was to be trained in obedience to the system of the unConstitutional New World Order.
And remember, if you truly desire it, all knowledge is yours:
“Ask, and it shalt be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shalt be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
- Matthew 7:7,8~
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